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Misheard Song Lyrics -> Stories -> Blondie

Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody. For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.

This page contains a list of the songs that have stories about their misheard lyrics submitted.

Song names are sorted by first letter, excluding A and The. This is sorted by song title only, not by song title and performer. So if two different performers preformed the same song, you'll see misheard lyrics for both on the same page (provided the song title was spelt the same both times, and misheard lyrics have been submitted for both!).

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Blondie's, "French Kissing In The USA"
The Misheard Lyrics:
I want sex sex, phone sex
The Real Lyrics:
Embrasser see'est Francais
The Story: I used to love singing along to songs when I was younger but always was too embarrased when this song came on since I was totally convinced the lyrics were that naughty. - Submitted by: Nicholas Akerlund
Blondie's, "Hanging On The Telephone"
The Misheard Lyrics:
I'm in the phonebook
If you want to call a whore.
The Real Lyrics:
I'm in the phonebox
It's the one across the hall.
The Story: I first heard this song when I was about 8. What I thought was the opening line absolutely terrified and intimidated me. I couldn't imagine what kind of person could be that blunt. However last year after working with the group on a UK tour, I was incredibly disappointed to learn the real lyrics. - Submitted by: BOB
Blondie's, "Heart Of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good
You're cheesy like a kipper!
The Real Lyrics:
If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good
You teasing like you do.
The Story: It's what I sing! - Submitted by: David
Blondie's, "Heart Of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Once I had a love and it was a blast
Soon turned out, beep in the ass
The Real Lyrics:
Once I had a love and it was a blast
Soon turned out to be a pain in the ass
The Story: I always knew that this song had censorship issues when originally released due to the "ass" reference, but I thought it must have been even dirtier than a the simple word itself. For many years all I ever heard was "beep in the ass" (which fits better rhythmically) and assumed that they cleaned it up before the official release by having Debbie Harry vocalise a self-censoring "beep" to get past the censor and also as a subtle suggestion that one of the main reasons of the relationship breakup was because he wanted to put his "beep" in her ass and that was the straw that broke the camel's back (as it were). A couple of years ago I decided to look up the lyrics because my own presumed explanation seemed to ridiculous even to me and found that my misheard "beep in" was "be a pain in", which I confirmed by listening to the song again. I still like my own story better for the specific reasons I assumed rather than a generic metaphor about being slightly irritated, but maybe that's because I would have loved to have been Debbie Harry's inspiration for writing the song. As far as I'm concerned it would have been better for myself to have loved and lost than to never have been a pain in Debbie Harry's butt (literally or metaphorically). - Submitted by: James Noonan
Blondie's, "Heart Of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Yeah, fighting Zion, the true Jewish lie.
The Real Lyrics:
Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light.
The Story: I was always shocked by this lyric, as it was certainly the most politically incorrect lyric I'd ever heard. At the very least, it was certainly capable of sparking fights about strategy in the Middle East. Furthermore, I never thought Blondie was all that political a band. It wasn't until this past year that I finally realized Harry was singing the obviously much more benign, but still nonsensical lyrics 'riding high on love's true bluish light'. Phew! - Submitted by: Sheila
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
The Real Lyrics:
In between
The Story: I thought it was about energy! - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
If I hear I'm losing you, it's just no good
The Real Lyrics:
If I fear I'm losing you, it's just no good
You teasing like you do.
The Story: I prefer MY wording to Debbie Hairy's wording. The REAL question is... which nipple is the cheezy-like one... the left or the right side nipple? - Submitted by: DancingSpiderman
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
It's just no good, you tease me like a dead girl
The Real Lyrics:
It's just no good
You tease me like you do
The Story: I've heard it like that since I was small. Never could figure out how one teases a dead girl... - Submitted by: Tori
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Loo roll
The Real Lyrics:
Ooh, oh
The Story: Always sang it as loo roll - Submitted by: Andy
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
The Real Lyrics:
Once you mistrust, love's gone behind.
The Story: Everyone on on the internet is wrong about this lyric. - Submitted by: Matteo
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Put your fist up
My small behind
The Real Lyrics:
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
The Story: I had a hard time believing she was actually saying this or that it would be played on the radio, but I couldn't figure out anything else that it could be. "Mucho mistrust" is kind of a dumb lyric and the the second part does sound like "my small behind", as many others have pointed out. - Submitted by: Jim
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Riding high almost to the blueish sky
The Real Lyrics:
Riding high on love's true blueish lie
The Story: I was a toddler when I heard this song so. - Submitted by: Tatiana
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
They lie they lie although I'm still a Jewish lie.
The Real Lyrics:
Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light
The Story: Studio version of Blondie's classic song. - Submitted by: fibnotnow
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
What's that love
The Real Lyrics:
Once I had a love
The Story: I was a toddler when I heard this song so. - Submitted by: Tatiana
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Would you mistrust love from behind
The Real Lyrics:
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind.
The Story: I always wondered what she meant with 'love from behind'. Sounded like some kind of porn thing to me... - Submitted by: Lieve
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Yeah, riding high . . . I long for the Jewish life.
The Real Lyrics:
Yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light
The Story: I'm Jewish, and that's what I heard! - Submitted by: skaizun
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
You're cheesy like a nigger
The Real Lyrics:
You're teasing like you do
The Story: I know it's not this but I can't hear anything else - Submitted by: Colin Alcide
Blondie's, "Heart of Glass"
The Misheard Lyrics:
future mistrust
The Real Lyrics:
Mucho mistrust
The Story: Did not speak Spanish until 16 - Submitted by: Tatiana
Blondie's, "Maria"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Latina, Ave Maria
The Real Lyrics:
Regina, Ave Maria
The Story: I was sure it was Latina until I watched the music video, as it zooms in on her lips when she says is, she clearly says an R, so it must be Regina - Submitted by: Dana
Blondie's, "Maria"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Maria, you're gonna to see her.
Grow ginseng and out of her mind
The Real Lyrics:
Maria, you've got to see her.
Go insane and out of your mind
The Story: I was pretty sure... :o) - Submitted by: Fred
Blondie's, "Maria"
The Misheard Lyrics:
She likes a millionaire
Walking in her underwear.
The Real Lyrics:
She's like a millionaire
Walking on imported air.
The Story: I heard this song durin a visit to the 24H of Lemans, 1999. A guy from England sat in a café wearing only his underpants. - Submitted by: New Number 2
Blondie's, "One Way or Another"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Lead you to the supermarket, check out some vegetables
The Real Lyrics:
Lead you to the supermarket checkout some specials
The Story: I always wondered what checking out vegetables had to do with getting a boyfriend!! I guess I just assumed it was all part of their "date" when I was a kid :P - Submitted by: Spencer Griffin
Blondie's, "Pretty Baby"
The Misheard Lyrics:
In Sen-Sen Peppermints
The Real Lyrics:
Incense and peppermints
The Story: Hey, even Billy Joel sang about a mint called Sen-Sen. - Submitted by: John in Tronna
Blondie's, "Rapture"
The Misheard Lyrics:
And it's finger fucking 24 hour sucking rapture
The Real Lyrics:
And it's finger popping 24 hour shopping rapture
The Story: My mother refused to let me play this song because one of her friends told her these were the words. I knew these were not the words, but it was all just too funny, all of these 'ladies who lunch' whispering about finger fucking and blowjobs and stuff, so I 'admitted' to her that yes, it was all true, and all my friends knew about it and laughed whenever they played the song on the radio. My Mom wrote an incensed letter to a local radio station about this outrage, and demanded that they stop playing this song. She received a very nice response back, with a copy of the actual lyrics from the album. I still tease her about it to this day. Like when she goes on a rant about something, I start humming the music...Good yuks! - Submitted by: Kent Willams
Blondie's, "Rapture"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Five - five thirty, during everybody's drive
The Real Lyrics:
Fab Five Freddie told me everybody's high
The Story: Get in your car, and drive real far? And a man from Mars who eats cars? Rush hour buffet! Made perfect sense at the time. - Submitted by: Old Comedywriter
Blondie's, "Rapture"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Francois says 'Come, flash my tool'
The Real Lyrics:
Francois c'est pas flashe non due
The Story: I have heard this song millions of times and believed that this was the actual lyric. When Erasure decided to cover and release it, I thought that they were making a joke by screaming that line out until today (almost 6 years after I first heard the song) to find out if that was the actual line and I found out I was wrong - Submitted by: Steve Hayes
Blondie's, "Rapture"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Toe to toe dancing very close but it really almost curl my toes
The Real Lyrics:
Toe to toe dancing very close barely breathing almost comatose.
The Story: I was only eight years old when I heard the song and thought it was about a woman ballroom dancing and her shoes were hurting her feet! - Submitted by: kerri
Blondie's, "Rip Her to Shreds"
The Misheard Lyrics:
Dressed in a rubber hose sweater.
The Real Lyrics:
Dressed in a Robert Hall sweater.
The Story: I realize I'll have to turn in my gaycard for this, but I lack the fashion gene entirely. I have no idea who Robert Hall is - I presume it's a designer. - Submitted by: Tim
Blondie's, "The Tide Is High"
The Misheard Lyrics:
I'm not the kinds of girl whose ears are just like Dad's.
The Real Lyrics:
I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that.
The Story: No big story. That is just what I thought she was singing... - Submitted by: LAURA GOODWIN
Blondie's, "The Tide Is High"
The Misheard Lyrics:
None below
The Real Lyrics:
Number one
The Story: Kept thinking that there would be nothing buried underground. - Submitted by: Cody Finke
Blondie's, "The Tide Is High"
The Misheard Lyrics:
The tide is high, but I'm moving on.
The Real Lyrics:
The tide is high, but I'm holding on.
The Story: I've always sung this song incorrectly, as has my sister. We both really didn't pay attention to the entire lyrics, and just sang the chorus. One day, my husband was playing a Blondie CD, and I was singing. He asked me, incredulously, to repeat what I had sung. Then, he said, 'You do realize that what you are saying is pretty much the opposite of what she is actually singing, don't you?' - Submitted by: Kimberly Barnhart
Blondie's, "The Tide Is High"
The Misheard Lyrics:
The time is right but I'm coming home.
The Real Lyrics:
The tide is high but I'm holding on.
The Story: My husband belted this out twice in a row --same stanza, mind you -- then argued with me over the lyrics. I won a quarter over this bet. My husband tries really, really hard to sing. It's perfectly mean of me to point these misheard lyrics to him. It's also really, really fun. - Submitted by: Rebecca Vigon

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New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.


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