Misheard lyrics (also called mondegreens) occur when people misunderstand the lyrics in a song. These are NOT intentional rephrasing of lyrics, which is called parody.
This page contains all the misheard lyrics for Tenth Avenue Freeze Out that have been submitted to this site and the old collection from inthe80s started in 1996.
For more information about the misheard lyrics available on this site, please read our FAQ.
10-W Freeze Line
Tenth Avenue freeze out
10-W Freeze-Out
Tenth-Avenue Freeze-Out
Damn devil you can freeze hell
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Dead cow in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Dead devil you freestyle
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Devil Devil you freeze eye
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out.
Devil, devil in the freezer aisle
10th Avenue freeze out
Devil, devil with the freeze eyes
10th Avenue freeze-out
Dirt devil and a freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Dirt devil in the free South
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Dub dubbaduh freeze ow!
10th Avenue freeze out
From the clothesline to the city
From the coastline to the city
Hot Devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Jack Devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Jack Devil, meaning Jack Daniels whiskey
Red devil can't you see that
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Red devil in a green dress
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Step on the freezer.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out.
Take down with your knees out.
10th Avenue freeze out
Tap devil in the freezaaaaa...(freezer)
10th Avenue freeze out
Tap devil in the freeze aisle
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tap, devil, you can freestyle!
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tech devil in the freeze aisle.
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Ted Dansen's in the freezer
10th Avenue Freeze Out
Ted W. Feezah
10th Avenue freeze out.
Ted devil you freezer
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tell the Devil he can freeze out
10th Avenue freeze out
Tell the Devil you can freestyle
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tell the devil he can freeze Hell.
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tell the devil he can leave now.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Tell the devil you can freestyle.
10th Avenue freeze out
Tell the devil you can freeze now.
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Temp Devil gonna freeze out
10th Avenue freeze out.
Temp devil in the freeze aisle
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Ten devils in the freezer aisle
10th Avenue freeze out.
Ten devils in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
10th Avenue freeze out
Tent devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
10 devils in the freezer
Tenth Avenue freeze out
10th Avenue freak out
10th Avenue freeze-out
10th Avenue freestyle
10th Avenue freeze-out
A dead devil in the freezer
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Big devil in a freezer
10th Avenue freeze-out
Blue Devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Cat devil in the freezer aisle
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
Chet W. freeze town.
10th Avenue freeze out.
Dadnabbit my flea's out
10th avenue freeze-out
Dagnabbit, it's freeze-dried.
10th Avenue freeze-out
Damn Devil in Freeside
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Dead Devil in a Freezer!
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
Dead Devil in the freezer
10th Avenue Freeze-Out
Dead Devil, you freeze out.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Dead devil in a freezer
10th Avenue freeze-out
Dead devil in a freezin' house
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Dead devil in the freezer aisle.
Tenth Avenue freeze out.
Dead devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Dead devil you can cheese it.
10th Avenue freeze out
Dead devil, you can freeze now.
D*** devil, you can freeze now.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Dip devils in the freezer
Tenth avenue freeze out
Dip, dabble and tree sap
Tenth avenue freeze out
Dirt Devil in freezer
10th Avenue freeze out.
Dirt Devil in the freezer
Tenth avenue freeze-out
Get Dad a new freezer
Tenth Avenue freeze out
I walked into
Ted Tevero's freezer.
I walked into a
Tenth Avenue freeze out.
I'll get you, girl, I'll get the pitcher.
And kid, you better get the picture.
Jack Daniels in the freezer.
10th Avenue freeze out.
Jet devil in the freeze eye
10th Avenue freeze out
Red devil in disguise
Tenth avenue freeze-out
Smack dab in the freezer
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Stick Ethel in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Tap dancing in the freeze aisle
10th Avenue freeze out
Tap devil in the freezer
Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
Tap devil to freeze hell
Tenth avenue freeze out
Tap down with a freezer
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
Tell Devil you can freeze Hell.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Tell the Devil he can freeze hell
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
Tell the Devil its freez'in.
10th Avenue freeze out.
Tell the devil to freeze Hell
Tenth avenue freeze out
Temp W, three's Al.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out.
Tempt devil in the freeze aisle.
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tempt the devil with a freezer.
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tempt, devil, you freeze-out.
10th Avenue Freeze Out
Ten W freeze-out
10th Avenue freeze out.
Ten devils and a free sign
Tenth avenue freeze out
Ten devils in the free south
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tent devil in the freeze aisle
Tenth Avenue freezeout
Tent devil in the freezer.
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tent devil that's freeze dried
10th Avenue freeze out
Tent devil you freeze-dried
10th Avenue freeze out
Tenth Avenue freak out
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tenth devil in the freeze aisle.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out.
Tenth-Avenue freak out
Tenth-Avenue freeze-out
Tenth-Avenue free way
Tenth-Avenue freeze-out
Thank the devil I'm freeze-dried.
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
That devil didn't please her.
10th Avenue freeze out
That devil has been freeze dried
Tenth Avenue freeze out
That devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze-out
That devil is freeze dried
Tenth Avenue freeze-out
The Devil you can freeze out
Tenth Avenue freeze out
The devil's in freeze isle.
10th Avenue freeze out
Then devil do freestyle
Tenth avenue freezeout
Then the Big Nose joined the band.
Then the Big Man joined the band.
This devil is freeze dried
Tenth Avenue freeze out
Tin Devil swimming free style.
10th Avenue Freeze Out
Tin devil in the freezer.
10th Avenue freeze-out.
Tit devil, freeze out
10th Avenue freeze-out
Tramp-devil in the freezer
10th Avenue freeze out
Trapped devil in the freezer aisle
Tenth Avenue freeze out.
Turn around the corner things got real crappy fast.
Turn around the corner things got real quiet real fast.