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Song Names -> Literally Impossible Song Titles -> Latest Entries

Can you think of a song title that describes something not literally possible.

For example: Oasis' "Live Forever" isn't really something that one can do.

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Most Recent Entries

The 20 most recent entries are listed below. There are 5069 Literally Impossible Song Titles entries on the site.

"Last of the American Girls," Green DayShe or they won't be lastJohnHowarth
"I Gave You My Heart," Crash VegasYou can't give someone else your heart/BN also LIJohnHowarth
"God Put a Smile Upon Your Face," ColdplayI don't think God can make anybody smileJohnHowarth
"My Old Friend the Blues," The ProclaimersPeople aren't emotions or music.JohnHowarth
"Burnin' Sky ," Bad CompanyThe sky cannot burn.Rock Maninoff
"Harvest Moon," Neil YoungA moon can't harvest a cropJohnHowarth
"Barbie World," Nicki MinajThere is no such world.JohnHowarth
"Shine On, Harvest Moon," Leon RedboneA moon cannot harvest a crop.Old Man Edgar Winter
"I Remember Everything," Zach BryanNobody remembers everything.JohnHowarth
"Electric Zoo," SpongeBob SquarePants (TV)Zoos don't depend on electricityJohnHowarth
"A Town Called Hypocrisy," LostprophetsThere is no such town.Tommy
"Love's Grown Deep," Kenny NolanLove really doesn't grow deep.Odie Garfield
"If Love Was A Bottle of Wine," Tommy OverstreetBut it isn't.Lynnetta Lore
"Dance the Night," Dua LipaThe night can't dance since it's a time of the dayJohnHowarth
"If I Lose Myself," OneRepublicHow?JohnHowarth
"Weapons Of Love," The TruthNo weapons are used for love.Brit Boxx
"Prosthetic Head," Green DayLimbs can be replaced. Brains cannot.Jay
"Glass Sandwich," PrimusI'm not eating that...Jay
"Mrs. Potato Head," Melanie Martinez A person's head can't be a potato.JohnHowarth
"I've Got 2 Wings," Elton JohnHumans don't have any wings.Tommy

Other Pages: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Misc.

New entries in this section are currently reviewed by nally. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.

The Top Ten Contributors To This Section

Yvette Bristle (site rank #2)1886
Peter (site rank #5)360
Heather Brockwell (site rank #30)202
GlamRockNinjaLord (site rank #27)147
Isac (site rank #36)106
Candy Welty (site rank #1)105
Susanna Viljanen90
JohnHowarth 48
Opie M.45


If you have a creative/humorous idea, please submit it.