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Fun Music Information -> Gemma Hayes

This is the most recent information about Gemma Hayes that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Gemma Hayes, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"Sad Happy," Cold"Happy Sad," Gemma Hayes

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Back Of Amy Hand" originally "Back Of My Hand"
'Hand' can be a surname.
Cal Amari
"Back Off My Hand" originally "Back Of My Hand"
Wendy Torrance

Change a Letter:

"Back Of My Wand" originally "Back Of My Hand"
Cal Amari

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

Gemma Bunton Hayes
Gemma Hayes combined with Emma Bunton
Submitted By: Gretchen Wieners

Nonsensical Song Lyrics:

"Back Of My Hand"
The Nonsensical Lyrics:
Come on and give me your heart
Write it on the back of my hand.
Why They're Nonsensical:
How can you "write" someone's heart? That's not really a writable thing. You can write a name, or a sentence, or a termpaper...but not a heart. That's crazy! Furthermore, why would you wanna write it on your hand, of all places? Or...maybe she's referring to something else with the word "it", but from this passage, the antecedent would be unknown (and whatever that antecedent is, *could* be written on the hand, but it's unclear for now). Still, it sounds like she's saying 'write your heart on my hand', which clearly doesn't make any sense.
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2

Band Name Anagrams:

He's Gamey, Ma Submitted by: Alice Spoonerism
Sage Mayhem Submitted by: Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Gamey Shame Submitted by: Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Emma G. Hayes Submitted by: Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot
Emma Hag? Yes Submitted by: Bungee Jumping Jack Flash Gordon Lightfoot

There are additional Band Name Anagrams available.

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Hack Of My Band" originally "Back Of My Hand"
Submitted by: Britney Spears into pruning hooks

Products Bands Should Endorse Based on Their Name:

Stargazing, particularly of Gemma and vicinity
Gemma, bright star in constellationCorona Borealis
Submitted by: Nutmeg Ryan

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