Making fun of music, one song at a time. Since the year 2000.
Check out the two amIright misheard lyrics books including one book devoted to misheard lyrics of the 1980s.
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Artist Summary -> Index

This is the latest stuff submitted to the site, broken down by the artists that performed them. I only list performers who have a lot of submissions on the site already, so Britney Spears is listed here, but Adrian Belew isn't here even though I do have a few things about him on the site.

Most Popular | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

The 40 groups with the most material on the site appear below, most popular to least.

Beatles Traditional Queen Green Day
Elton John Billy Joel Rolling Stones Madonna
Elvis Presley Screamin' Jay Hawkins Weird Al Yankovic Frank Sinatra
Michael Jackson Eminem Pink Floyd Britney Spears
Who Nirvana Lady Gaga Beach Boys
Everly Brothers Eagles AC/DC Led Zeppelin
ABBA Avril Lavigne Lynyrd Skynyrd Linkin Park
Doors R.E.M. Bob Dylan Neil Diamond
U2 Metallica Johnny Cash Aerosmith
Police Bee Gees David Bowie Red Hot Chili Peppers

Artists -> Search

This is a case insensative match on the exact phrase in each field you fill out. If you enter Joe Jackson in the performer field, it will only match performer names with Joe Jackson in them, not performers with the name Joe or the name Jackson in them.

Results are sorted alphabetically by the first letter of the first name. An * next to a name, indicates 3 or more entries for that result.