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Fun Music Information -> Del-Vikings

This is the most recent information about Del-Vikings that has been submitted to amIright. If we have more information about Del-Vikings, then we provide a link to the section where it appears (the actual page whenever possible).


Possible Misspelled Names:

These are the alternate spellings of the performer's name we've had to correct in submissions to amIright.

The Dell-Vikings

New Song Names:

Original Song Name
New Song Name
Submitter Name
"Cool Sheikh""Cool Shake"Regina Haniger

Literally Impossible Song Titles:

Submitter Name
"Whispering Bells,"Last I heard, bells jingledRich

Use a Song Title to Answer a Different Song:

Song & Band Name
Song & Band Name
"I Want To Go With You," Eddy Arnold"Come Go With Me," Del Vikings
"Come Go With Me," The Del Vikings"Walk This Way," Aerosmith
"Come Go With Me," Del Vikings"Take Me With You," Phil Collins
"I'm Spinning," The Del-Vikings"Dizzy," Tommy Roe
There are additional songs titles that answer other songs available.

Remove a Letter From a Song Title:

"I'm Sinning" originally "I'm Spinning"

Add a Letter to a Song Title:

"Cool Shaker" originally "Cool Shake"
Alyssa Jayne

Change a Letter:

"Fool Shake" originally "Cool Shake"
"Tool Shake" originally "Cool Shake"
"Pool Shake" originally "Cool Shake"
"Coop Shake" originally "Cool Shake"
Alyssa Jayne
"Cool Stake" originally "Cool Shake"
Alyssa Jayne

There are additional song titles with a letter changed available.

Song Parody Lyrics:

Original Song Name
Parody Song Name
Parody Author
"Come Go With Me""Penitentiary"eeL deaL
"Whispering Bells""Cheering Boy Scouts"Duc4AmIRight
"Come Go with Me""Let's Do the Scouts"Duc4AmIRight
"Come And Go With Me""Bummin' Groceries"Alvin Rhodes
"Come Go With Me""Come Go With Me"Airfarcewon

If Groups Combined, Their Names Might Be:

The Del Amitri Vikings
Del Amitri combined with The Del-Vikings
Submitted By: Cody Finke
Adele Vikings
Adele combined with The Del-Vikings
A modern British female singer collaborates with an oldies band! "Come go with me as I keep chasing pavements!"
Submitted By: nally

Misheard Lyrics:

"Come Go With Me"
Misheard Lyrics:
Baby undecieted
Original Lyrics:
Way beyond the sea
"Come Go With Me"
Misheard Lyrics:
Come go with me, baby, undersea.
Original Lyrics:
Please don't send me way beyond the sea.
"Whispering Bells"
Misheard Lyrics:
Mystery mouse
Love her so
Bring my baby
Oh, my baby back to me.
Original Lyrics:
Whispering bells
Love you so
Bring my baby
Oh, my baby back to me.
"Whisperin' Bells"
Misheard Lyrics:
Whispering bathhouse
Original Lyrics:
Whispering bells
There are additional misheard lyrics available.

Misheard Lyrics Stories:

"Whispering Bells"
Misheard Lyrics:
Mystery mouse
Love her so
Bring my baby
Oh, my baby back to me.
Original Lyrics:
Whispering bells
Love you so
Bring my baby
Oh, my baby back to me.

Story about this misheard lyric by: Casey

I thought maybe it was about a cartoon mouse who solved mysteries. So the guy wanted the 'Mystery Mouse' to find his baby and bring her back to him. I was highly embarassed when I asked my father if he knew a song about a mystery mouse. We figured out it was actually this song. I still sing it my way and made up a story to go along with Mystery Mouse.

There are additional misheard stories available.

Song Title Acrostics:

IS: "I'm Spinning"
Submitted by: Candy Welty

Song Title Spoonerisms:

"Piss Whirring Bells" originally "Whispering Bells"
Submitted by: Margaret (less massive than my name backwards)

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