These are lyrics by Simon Dupree And The Big Sound that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Simon Dupree And The Big Sound
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Kites album at
In letters of gold on a snow white kite
I will write I love you,
and send it soaring high above you
for all to read.
Gold is pretty light-coloured/reflective, so that from a distance gold text on a bright white background would be practically impossible to read. Note, though, that there's nothing nonsensical about the song being called Kites (plural). It begins I will fly a yellow paper sun in your sky. How can this yellow paper sun be 'flown' if it is not, in fact, a kite? Similarly with practically everything else in the song. It's all about kites, and not just about one kite.
Submitted by: Martin Gradwell
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