These are lyrics by Judy and Mary that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Judy and Mary
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Great Escape album at
You win the Nobel Prize!
Forget it, let's just go to sleep
Yes, let's...?
Submitted by: S.I.J.
All the memories I have are beautiful in my mind,
but they dont feed the hunger deep inside my soul
Okay....I heard this first on an anime show long ago, then I happened to come across it again. If they are memories, then arent they in your mind in the first place? and 'they dont feed the hunger deep inside my soul' is a pitiful excuse for trying to sound deep and poetic. Sorry, but this is just rediculus. And what the monkey does the title have to do with the song?!?!
Submitted by: Museperson
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