These are lyrics by Jet that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Jet
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"Look What You've Done"
Give me back my point of view
'Cause I just can't think for you
Further on, it gets worse, if she/he had stolen his point of view, he wouldn't have it anymore. And he wouldn't be able to use something he doesn't have. An attempt at a thoughtful Beatlesque song fails once more for the king of copying.
Submitted by: Ross Richardson
"Look What You've Done"
Take my photo off the wall
If it just won't sing for you
'Cause all that's left has gone away
And there's nothing there for you to prove
I have way to many problems with this. One, why the hell would a photo sing! If there's something left, it hasn't gone away has it? And where did proving come into the picture.
Submitted by: Ross Richardson
It's not what it seems, but it is
So is it or not? Make up your mind!
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2
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