These are lyrics by Geri Halliwell that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, Geri Halliwell
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Desire (Your Kiss Kills) album at
Just a bad case of opposite sex
I didn't realise 'opposite sex' was a condition of any kind. Is it threatening? Maybe the song would've had more weight with the line 'just a bad case of lyrical nonsense' instead!
Submitted by: Devil Jones
You left a fire in my eyes,
that lightens up the darkest skies
First off, you can't get fire in your eyes. Secondly, how (if fire in eyes existed) in the world would they lighten up dark skies???????
Submitted by: Sophie
You're a DJ, I'm a song
Let's start with the second phrase. A person is clearly not a song. So that's *definitely* nonsensical. As for the first part...the person listening to this song may or may not be a DJ (that is, if she's breaking the fourth wall; but she could be singing to somebody in particular; we don't know enough information to rule it nonsensical or not).
Submitted by: sonikal
Have a nice day
as Americans say
Only Americans? Hmm, could've sworn I've heard that expression come from the mouths of non-Americans before. Was that all a figment of my imagination or is everyone secretly American?
Submitted by: Devil Jones
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