These are lyrics by The Ataris that we think are kind of nonsensical.
Nonsensical Song Lyrics, The Ataris
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Anywhere But Here album at
I woke up from this dream to find that I was sleeping,
so I went back to sleep and I dreamt I was awake.
Ingeniously confusing, your head hurts thinking about it!!!!
Submitted by: Mz
You're always talkin' (it's never ending)
It's about time that we turned off the radio
Call the request lines and tell them that it's over
You're always playin' all of the same songs over and over again
It's about time that we all turned off the radio
If it weren't for the radio you wouldn't be as popular as you are right now, Ataris! I understand what you're saying, but it's somewhat hypocritical of you to have your own songs played on the radio over and over and then tell people not to listen to it.
Submitted by: sXe LeXi 5X2
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