These are lyrics by Cranberries that do not rhyme.
Misrhymed Song Lyrics, Cranberries
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No Need to Argue album at
You must have nothing more with your time to do
There's a war in Russia and Sarajevo too
The lyrics to this song sound like they were written by an over ambitious GCSE student
Submitted by: Faith Frost
Another mother's breaking, heart is taking over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken
You really oughta be a zombie to come up with the idea that 'over' and 'mistaken' rhyme...
Submitted by: Rock Princess
With their tanks and their bombs
And their bombs and their guns
In you head, in you head, they are dying...
No, pronouncing 'guns' as 'gons' won't save you.
Submitted by: Rock Princess
New entries in this section are currently reviewed by Brian Kelly. Previous editors (if any) are listed on the editors page.
Disclaimer: makes no claims to the accuracy of the correct lyrics.
All correct lyrics are copyrighted, does not claim ownership of the original lyrics.