These are lyrics by Yes that we think are kind of funny.
Funniest Lyrics, Yes
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"Close to the Edge"
A seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace
and rearrange your liver to a solid mental grace
The opening lines of this epic are vintage Jon Anderson. Well, if the witch is seasoned I'd like to know the sauce recipe. But I really love the 'rearrange your liver' bit - does this mean some thug saying 'we're gonna rearrange your belly a bit if you don't start listening, mate'?
Submitted by: Patti
"In The Presence Of"
If we were flowers we would worship the sun.
But we're not so we don't, Jon.
Submitted by: Daniel Rainey
"To Be Alive (Hep Yadda)"
And I believe that everyone should get what they're allowed
Suspected of belief that comes
suspended in a sound
And everybody wants some
'belief suspended in a sound'? To borrow an album title of the Moody Blues, these guys must be in search of the lost chord!
Submitted by: Lawrence
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