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Song Parodies -> "The Management Song"

Original Song Title:

"Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"The Management Song"

Parody Written by:

John R. Dean

The Lyrics

There's lots of union songs, for everyone to sing based on old tunes that are easy to remember, but no management songs that I know of. How unfair to the downtrodden 1%! I'd like to help them with this song:
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)
Screw the workers through and through (through and through!)
Cut their pensions and their healthcare too
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)

Break the public unions first (break them first!)
Say the teachers are the worst (yes the worst!)
Call them thugs so everyone will boo,
Divide and conquer tried and true (tried and true!)

Tell the people it’s meant by God (all from God!)
So they’ll call the unions clods (call them clods!)
So when we pass those Right to Work Laws through,
It’ll be too late and they’ll all be screwed (all be screwed!)

Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)
Screw the workers through and through (through and through!)
Cut their pensions and their healthcare too
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)

Have the masses blame each other (blame each other!)
So we don’t have to run for cover (run for cover!)
Then when we outsource the good paying jobs,
We’ll have Fox “News” blame “liberal snobs” (liberal snobs!)

Thank God the top court’s on our side (on our side!)
Citizens’ United point of pride (point of pride!)
Now we ‘ll buy all the pols to sing our tune
For all the workers it’s high noon (yes high noon!)

Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)
Screw the workers through and through (through and through!)
Cut their pensions and their healthcare too
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)

When the unions are dead and gone (dead and gone!)
Then the party’s really on (party on!)
More for us, the richest 1 %
Less for them--it’s heaven sent (heaven sent!)

Cut their pay while they are down (keep ‘em down!)
Send more factries out of town (out of town!)
Help us rich ones take more of their cash
Send it all to Swiss banks there to stash (there to stash!)

Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)
Screw the workers through and through (through and through!)
Cut their pensions and their healthcare too
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)

Take their safety net right down (take right down!)
Cut our taxes and if they frown (if they frown),
Tell them all, God wants them on their own,
Then kick them good and let them moan (hear them moan!)

Let’s stick together now all bosses (yes we bosses!)
While we count the union losses (union losses!)
So what if all the workers are so poor--
Just less for them, and for us more (for us more!)

Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)
Screw the workers through and through (through and through!)
Cut their pensions and their healthcare too
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)

Pay rightwing thinktanks to churn out (to churn out!)
All kinds of papers sowing doubt (sowing doubt!)
That investing more in public goods for many
Is much worse than saving pennies (saving pennies!)

Now some may say if no middle class (no middle class!),
Who’ll buy our products at the last? (oh so crass!)
But hey, no need to worry with furrowed brow,
Screw the future, party now (party now!)

Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)
Screw the workers through and through (through and through!)
Cut their pensions and their healthcare too
Screw the workers, screw them blue (screw them blue!)

Copyright, 2012, John R. Dean

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   2

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Phil Alexander - June 11, 2012 - Report this comment
This is your manifesto running for President, right? :-)

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