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Song Parodies -> "Grade-C Song"

Original Song Title:

"Favorite Song"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Grade-C Song"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Part of my "Cut the Flowers" self-challenge. Every now and then, you get songs that are just...there. Not horrendous, not fantastic, just space-filler for the radio. How do you react?
Wait, I'm sorry
What I'm gonna say right now's prob'bly
Gonna, on its face, sound real awful
But I won't be quelled, mmm-mmm
I just worry
That I'll come off makin' a mountain
Out of a painfully small molehill
I won't stop myself, mmm-mmm (no reason to stop this)

Feels a bit strange right now to hear this grade-C song
Greatest around? Gonna have to smack that down but don't get me wrong
Might say it's not good but it's not painful
No badness to be found either, it's stable, oh, oh-oh-oh

I can't find somethin' to hate, not a vocalist that grates
Not too high-pitched, not a mumble, no whiny tone like a goat's bleat, not gonna bleed from the brain
All of the lyrics seem safe, not gonna trend in the discourse for hours
Leavin' a taste super-sour, neither does it speak any real power (yeah)
Nothin' about it's unusual, beat isn't weak or uneven
Light Auto-Tune's kinda played out, that's okay, that's not a good reason
To write a massive op-ed piece (uh) about it, that's just weak (uh) (yeah)
Save all that for a song that's worth writin' down 'cause it blows, see
This track's barely worth a second listen
I barely have the tune inside my brain
Lots of room for great songs and guff
This one just ain't sticky

It's not a pain right now, it's just a grade-C song
Let it play out, will continue to be found nowhere in my bonce
I'd say that it's "mid" but I just looked up
What that means, ain't low quality, just not much, oh, oh-oh-oh

Not gonna get out of place if I get fans mad at me
Knew I'd come off as a jerk all 'cause I'd say that it's a five out of ten but that's me
I'd never say that you have to agree that while listenin' you will start sleepin'
And I don't think you should be tired when the lyrics are full of twee-ness
But I'm prob'bly safe from fans and haters
Because, see, I've not seen anyone claim
That it's super great or a flop
It exists, that's it, geez

That's why it's strange right now, this basic, grade-C song
Was a hit? How? This some TikTok trend? Confounds me, what's goin' on?
I'm not mad, like I said, it's not painful
But damn it, better songs missed, won't be hateful, oh, oh-oh-oh (just not for me)

I'm not gonna change my take, prob'bly
If this dude can make somethin' awesome
Then that would be swell, mmm-mmm
You can mock me
If this lukewarm take ages awful
But the likelihood of that's not big
Only time will tell, mmm-mmm

Will this be remembered as anyone's favourite song? Maybe that's an obvious joke to make, but I thought I'd do it just to confirm that yes, the song the parody is about is the song it's a parody of.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   14

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