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Song Parodies -> "Spawning"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Harry Styles

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Sometimes a video game boss will switch things up from the standard "shoot the glowing eyeball" tactics to a more wave-of-killbots approach. The trick with waves, though, is that they have to resemble waves. Ebb and flow. Not a firehose.
Boss should be dead, not playin' fair
And I'm goin' insane from the trick he's decided to spam
Could deal with huge hits or a missile blitz
But he doesn't attack, he sends out stacks of lackeys instead

More dudes come out, more dudes come out
And there's no option to turn off the spout
Just spawnin' again and spawnin' again and spawnin'
Wearin' me out, hurts my thumbs now
Worse, my controller's about to crap out
Just spawnin' again and spawnin' again and spawnin'

It drives me spare, feels a little rude
To call this a "boss fight" when all that's done is killin' mooks
I'd be less put out if there was a small break
Just a pause in the process where I can have at his damn brain

But there's no drought, simply no drought
To all the minions that he's fartin' out
Just spawnin' again and spawnin' again and spawnin'
Wearin' me out, strains my hands now
And it might make my stream watchers log out
Just spawnin' again and spawnin' again and spawnin'

Sure, all of these minions are super piss-easy to kill

But that's worse now, say that's worse now
Because endurance ain't what I'm about
Just spawnin' again and spawnin' again and spawnin'
Where's the fun now? Where's the fun now?
Hope it's a bug or I'll pull my hair out
Just spawnin' again and spawnin' again and spawnin'

It's really annoying when there is a pause to whack the boss over the head...and you completely whiff it.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 26

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   26

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