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Song Parodies -> "Creepy-Ass Dolly"

Original Song Title:

"Killing Me Softly"

Original Performer:

The Fugees

Parody Song Title:

"Creepy-Ass Dolly"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

And there's the creepy doll...that always follows's got a ruined eye...that's always open...
Barely-articulate fi-ingers
Repeating its preset words
Creepy-ass dolly ticks me-e off
Creepy-ass do-olly just seems off
Say "I wuv you-ou" once more, you'll burn
Creepy-ass do-olly must be sto-opped

Ah, no (yeah, yeah)
May be plastic (now, uh), but it looks damned (it's fillin' me with fear)
Like hell (came here from hell, man, I swear, haha)
That frozen face makin' sweat drip from my face, yeah (smell of salt up in here)
Real consistent flow (ah), send it back to hell (ah-hah)
Must die (must die), must die (must die)
Where the hell (haha) is my bat? I need to kill it (doo-doo-doo)

I don't know where i-it came from
Not from a-a niece of mi-ine
Could be cause I don't have one, so the poi-oint still stands hi-i-i-ee-igh
A most myste-erious toy
Pie-iercin' painted eye-eye-eyes

Synthetic curls of pure gi-inge-er (sounds nice, sounds nice)
Too bad it nee-eeds to be pu-u-urged (please die, please die)
Creepy-ass dolly ticks me-e o-off
Creepy-ass do-olly is rea-eal o-o-off
Cause there's pure e-evi-il 'neath tha-at skirt
Creepy-ass do-olly-y must be sto-opped

It may not hold a-a cleaver
I still sa-ay kill it now
I'll feel a whole lot better when it's fo-orced u-undergrou-ou-ou-ou-ound
May see-eem like I-I'm too skittish
But that thi-ing wants my sou-ou-oul

That look on its face still li-inge-ers (not right, not right)
Dead of night, voi-oice is still hea-ea-eard (please die, please die)
Creepy-ass dolly ticks me-e o-off
Creepy-ass do-olly is so-o o-o-off
The way it mo-oves ma-akes me u-unnerved
Creepy-ass do-olly-y must be sto-opped
It's not good (not good), Satanic? Just a smidge (yes, mate)

Whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-huh-uh-uh, huh-uh-uh-uh-uh, uh-uh-uh, uh-uh-uh-uh
Whoa-oh-oh, la-a-a-a-a
Whoa-oh-oh-oh, la-a-a-a-a-a-a-a (ha, ha, ha, ha, ha)

Pointing at me with its fi-inge-ers (my eyes did twitch)
Floating in pla-ace, I'm disturbed (oh my-y-y, why-y-y-y-y-y-y-y, why-y-y-y?)
Creepy-ass dolly ticks me-e o-off
Creepy-ass do-olly-y is qui-uite o-o-off (yeah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah-eah)
What demon di-id I-I (did I-I) once di-isturb (distu-urb)?

And there's a creepy doll...that always follows's got a pretty swallow you whole...(also I deliberately went with the video version because the constant talking over each other was a pain in the ass to pace - if this was recorded I'd add a bunch of creepy-ass quotes from the titular creepy-ass doll)

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Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   1
 4   1
 5   1

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