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Song Parodies -> "I'll Read"

Original Song Title:

"I'll Be"

Original Performer:

Edwin McCain

Parody Song Title:

"I'll Read"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbow!
Best use for my eyes is findin' the wonderous
Worlds hidden in the te-ext
From blokes climbin' mountains or flights in the sky-y-y
I can't wai-ait until the ne-ext
I do-on't care if it's a bold adventu-u-ure
Or if it ju-ust focuses on the hero's lo-o-o-ove
I'll be-e captivated, through pa-ages I wi-ill fli-ip
Where eve-en o-occasional smudge-stai-ains just add to the fu-u-un

Cause I-I'll read about a boulde-e-er
I-I-I'll rea-ead about a cool fly-y-y-y
Yes, I-I'll read poems from old soldie-e-ers
I-I-I'll rea-ea-ead about a fantastic pie-ie-ie

I re-e-ecall a piddler on the roof
In a sho-ort sto-ory I once rea-ead
A little disgu-ustin', but I-I guess it's proof
The genres I read are wide-sprea-ead
I do-on't care if it's a horror ventu-u-ure
Or somethin' wi-ith alien robot helper bu-u-u-ugs
I'll be-e captivated, long le-ength won't make me-e ski-ip
From doorsto-oppe-ers to a single pa-age, I'll eat them all u-u-up

Cause I-I'll read about stockholde-e-ers
I-I-I'll rea-ead about undead gu-u-u-uys
Yes, I-I'll read 'bout livin' road rolle-e-ers
I-I-I'll rea-ead about a man who can fly-y-y

When I'm all out of good books, I get just a tad des'prate, ye-e-e-es
Start readin' small pamphlets, brochures and iPod instructions

Cause I-I'll read about leaf blowe-e-ers
I-I'll read about tacky tie-ie-ie-ies
Yes, I-I'll read about livin' lawnmowe-e-ers
I-I-I'll rea-ea-ead about a cat who gets hi-i-igh

The mo-ost fun in my who-ole li-i-i-ife
Readin' books all the ti-i-ime

Every example in this was intentionally generic - except for the Piddler on the Roof, which is a legit story by Australian author Paul Jennings in his eighth short story collection Unseen. It was kinda weird, but small potatoes compared to his other works, like the one with the earring that magnetically attracted garbage. Seriously.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

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John Lomain - April 21, 2016 - Report this comment
Really funny!

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