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Song Parodies -> "Designer"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Bomfunk MC's

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Creating art for other people can be a pain. Not getting properly compensated, constantly demanding to know when it's done, among other things. Things like, say, being completely unsatisfiable...
D-d-d-d-d-d-d-designer, not remote-controlled
Paid me to work on my own
De-d-d-d-d-d-designer, job is mine, you dolt
L-L-L-L-Let me draw, I'm the designer

I gotta d-d-draw on, you moron
No, I don't think you know what specifics will be needed for all this
And that's somethin' I know, bro, since why else pay through your nose?
My five degrees says I might know what's good and what blows
"Look on the bright side" I say inside my mind because it's right
Not beggin' for my ass to quicken, bitchin'
That what I've done's different than what you said you want
Still have that old doc, your new notes are so off

Yeah, paid me to work on my own
I am not, not, not re-, not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to not copy you, dope
I am not, not, not, n-n-not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to make art on my own
I am not, not, not re-, not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to draw my way, you dope
I am not, not, not, n-n-not re-, not remote-controlled

I see your point, I got that memo
Minds sure do change, though there's a limit, bro
Your pitch should not switch with each second, diff'rence is big
When ev'rything I did is the most awful damn thing
Who is the artist here? You bastard, tryin' your hardest
To make my ass feel somethin' like a pen, a flattened brush
Tool for you to manage but you can't handle it
The whole pic's now off-balance to be slightly less callous

Yeah, paid me to work on my own
I am not, not, not re-, not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to make your plan not blow
I am not, not, not, n-n-not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to make choices that flow
I am not, not, not re-, not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid here to get left alone
I am not, not, not, n-n-not re-, not remote-controlled

D-d-d-d-d-d-d-designer, not remote-controlled
Paid me to work on my own
De-d-d-d-d-d-designer, problems ain't my fault
L-L-L-L-Let me draw, I'm the designer

Yeah, paid me to work on my own
I am not, not, not re-, not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to just follow your notes
I am not, not, not, n-n-not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid to create, I'm no drone
I am not, not, not re-, not re-, not remote-controlled
Yeah, paid, at least that is my hope
I am not, not, not, n-n-not re-, not remote-controlled

Is "backseat artist" a term that exists? If not, it should be.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.9
Overall Rating: 4.9

Total Votes: 30

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   29

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