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Song Parodies -> "Crypto-Aliens?"

Original Song Title:

"On the Road Again"

Original Performer:

Willie Nelson

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

Postwar, there have been continual abuses of the term UFO which originated in WW2 as U-Foe (Unknown Foe) from the USAAF to describe potential hostile aircraft. A reporter postwar coined the term flying saucer after interviewing Kenneth Arnold and his sightings... but if you look at the pics of the craft flying in formation they are parabolic discs led by a flying wing that both look like WW2 German Horten desings. After Roswell and all the '50s sci-fi movies, there has been this constant fascination with crypto-aliens. Little Gray creatures that are biological drones that are part of an alien disc system, horrible monster-like Reptilians, nice Mormom-esque blonde/blue Venusians or Aryan/Nordic types, and mystery light beings that seem to phase-shift in and out of reality or sub-divide (Phatons). But in reality it was Mussolini that initiated the first UFO fact-finding organization that was Cabinet RS/33 from 1933. A disc crashed in Lombardia in 1934 and eventually after 7 yrs of research up until 1940, the Cabinet RS/33 files and the Lombardia disc were turned over to the Germans which already had their own crashed Freiberg disc since 1936 that had been taken to Schloss Wewelsberg (Himmler's castle) for reveres-engineering which _might_ have yielded some secrets incorporated into the SS Haunebu designs from 1935-45. The German occult societies had already built their first disc craft in 1922 called the JFM which originated from the Vril Gesellschaft and was funded by the Thule Gesellschaft (which originated the Nazi Party). It was a dimensional flight machine that no one seems to know much about. But that was taken apart in 1924 and later held at Messerschmitt's plant at Augsburg before being moved up to Peenemunde late in the war. Other German discs used a combination of sources for exotic propulsion derived from the captured works of Tesla, German quantum physics, German engineering, occult medium visions, and possibly some reverese-engineering. However, there were more than 30 programs that had no central authority and they ranged from mere circular aircraft to circular winged types, to jet turbine powered models, to multi-powerplant, and then on to exotic mercury ion plasma drives and EMG powerplants with mass-reduction systems and gravitic batteries, flown with a celestial navigation system. These craft went from Wright Field to New Mexico to Edwards AFB, and then up to Area 51. Although the postwar USAF denied German disc craft for 50 years, they admitted to them in 1995 and no information has been supplied despite tons of requests. They remain classified until 2020. The USAF uses public fears of aliens to mask black project aircraft derived from German WW2 tech. They are known as SAPs (Special Access Projects) and much technology of WW2 was hidden under special Intel teams operating from P.O.Boxes (no other location or info available). My dad and his Intel contacts specialized in these things. Aliens? No solid proof. Terrestrial craft? Yes, many of them from various nations but almost all originating from the Third Reich. Japan and Italy had a few designs and an occult order in Britain tried to build a disc too. Postwar there are many US designs and prototypes, Canadian prototypes, and even some Soviet testing. That's all I can say...
Grays, Phatons, Reptilians, and Aryans?
The UFO term abused time and time again
Surprise! Most of the disc flight craft were German!

Freiberg crash is where it all began
Reverse-engineered by SS technicians
Surprise! Most of the disc flight craft were German!

Vril and Thule mediums contact light years away
Construction began
Secret flight testing as Himmler paved the way
Germany, just prototype weapons

Grays, Phatons, Reptilians, and Aryans?
The UFO term abused time and time again
Surprise! Most of the disc flight craft were German!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.4
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 7

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 4   1
 5   6

User Comments

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Porfle Popnecker - May 08, 2012 - Report this comment
Interesting! I'll add all this to my extensive "WTF?" file.
Rob Arndt - May 08, 2012 - Report this comment
SAP also stands for Special Access Program. Anyway, thanks Porfle! The universal question of alien life outside the earth is complex and shrouded in military secrecy. But the cold hard facts are that the Germans built many prototypes from 1922-45 and then postwar the US, Britain, and USSR all tried to build similar craft of which there was no military requirement. Add the German patents from 1955 forward from at least 7 of their disc specialists and one starts to ask WHY they would do so if they didn't exist. The USAAF/USAF is to blame for lying about German tech for decades and then admitting the discs by 1995 and also the findings on declassified documents of German Phoo Bombs that were the mysterious "Foo Fighters" that the USAAF denied knowledge of in 1945, even though several newspapers reported them as German! Add three "official" versions of Roswell over 6 decades and it becomes obvious that tech is being covered up as well as origin. As foroft-rumored first contact with the Reich and then US, I cannot say.

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