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Song Parodies -> "It's China Again"

Original Song Title:

"On the Road Again"

Original Performer:

Willie Nelson

Parody Song Title:

"It's China Again"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

As President Obama prepares to meet with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, the two nations are at odds over cyberspying, cybertheft, and cyberweapons. For the US, which is tied to China economically and strategically (against N Korea), the systematic Chinese theft of intellectual property and military technology via hacking by PLA Unit 61398 is a worrisome topic. China, of course, will cite the US and Israeli cyberweapon attacks on Iran's nuclear program and the US sat spying on China's advanced weapons facilities. It is unclear just how the upcoming "talks" will improve relations as China no longer can sustain 8-10% growth with raw manpower alone. In this techno-Age, it is much easier just to steal other nation's work and save decades of old-fashioned R&D. China's carrier and stealth fighter both benefitted from stolen US military secrets and cyberespionage is key to China maintaining its rapid growth rate in the civilian sector with industrialization. So the talks might just end-up as cheap talk and not cooperation of any kind... except possibly some added pressure by China on Kim Jong Un (maybe)...
It’s China again
Talks over prop theft* and cyberweapons
Tied economies and strategies makes us “friends”
Talkin’ N Korea and growth at 8-10 (%)

It’s China again
Plans for our stealth fighter were stolen
Cyberespionage time-and-time again
Talkin’ N Korea and growth at 8-10 (%)

It’s China again
Unit 61398 prowls the Net all day
With bad intentions
Stealing secrets from our military
Chinese way, against “dumb” Americans

Talks over prop theft and cyberweapons
Tied economies and strategies makes us “friends”
Talkin’ N Korea and growth at 8-10 (%)

* intellectual property

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.2
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.2

Total Votes: 5

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

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