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Song Parodies -> "Worst Things I've Stepped Onto"

Original Song Title:

"Got My Mind Set on You"

Original Performer:

George Harrison

Parody Song Title:

"Worst Things I've Stepped Onto"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Ow, my foots!
The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
Worst things I've stepped onto

Trod on a rock that was chunky
A hole was made, very bloody
In hindsight, it was pretty funny
I should've spied right
I trod on a lime
Don't know if it was ripe
Still spread that citrus far and wide, ooh-ooh
'Twas gooey, so gooey, so gooey, so gooey
So gooey, such gooey shite, right

The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto

No, I've not slipped on a peel
Stepped on one, but fact's sealed
You don't fall like some old cartoon shit
You'll still have to deal with that goo shit

The worst things I've stepped onto
Stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
Stepped onto

Stepped on somethin' that was spongy
Checked and it wasn't fluffy
Some organ that fell from somebody
I should've spied right
I trod on a pie
Right after, don't ask why
Those two things were close, brow's raised high, ooh-ooh
'Twas gooey, so gooey, so gooey, so gooey
So gooey, such gooey shite

The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto
The worst things I've stepped onto

Don't know why you make a deal
When I impale my heel
Sure, it hurts when stuff goes right through it
But my list, I get to add to it

Maybe you'd call me unlucky
I rarely step on things fuzzy
'Cept animals that then get munchy
I should've spied right
I trod right upon my
Own shorts, which would be just fine
If not for that zip pointin' high, ooh-ooh
Went through it, went through it, went through it, went through it
Went through it, went through my hide

Stepped onto
Stepped onto
Stepped onto
Stepped onto
Stepped onto
Stepped onto
Stepped onto
I've stepped onto
Stepped onto (don't really like it, true)
Worst things stepped onto

Of course, we all know that the worst thing to step on is a Lego.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.5
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 3.8

Total Votes: 4

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   1
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

2Eagle - November 08, 2018 - Report this comment
Often step on dog poo and cat barf. Pets - I can't live with them and can't live without them.
Michael Pacholek - November 09, 2018 - Report this comment
Pains me to say this, although not as much to have done it, but I can relate. I don't know if you're old enough to remember this, but when Roger Moore was on "The Muppet Show," he asked Kermit, "Do you use pies on your show?" "Spies?" Kermit asked, thinking Moore was referencing his James Bond films. "No, pies. I just trodded in one." And then there was the time on "Mad About You" when Paul Reiser stepped on a veal cutlet, right on the New York sidewalk, and he yelled, "What is WRONG with people?"
Kung-Fu Cutbug - November 09, 2018 - Report this comment
you stepped on a lime immediately after getting a hole in your foot from a rock? ...that had to be LUDICROUSLY painful

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