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Song Parodies -> "Truthicide Trump"

Original Song Title:

"Suicide Chump"

Original Performer:

Frank Zappa

Parody Song Title:

"Truthicide Trump"

Parody Written by:

eel deal

The Lyrics

ai built this from a provided verse fragment:
In this world of chaos, I'm feeling so numb,
Lost in despair, my spirit's undone.
How can they cheer for the man who's so chump?
There's no bigger liar than Truthicide Trump.

Suicidal, my heart's torn apart,
A nation divided, a darkness to thwart.
He thrives on deception, his followers are blind,
I'm drowning in sorrow, can't leave this behind.

Twice impeached, thrice indicted, and yet they stand tall,
Supporting the man who watches truth fall.
Autocracy's shadow looms, casting a lump,
There's no bigger liar than Truthicide Trump.

Suicidal, my heart's torn apart,
A nation divided, a darkness to thwart.
He thrives on deception, his followers are blind,
I'm drowning in sorrow, can't leave this behind.

I search for hope, a glimmer of light,
But it seems so dim in this perpetual night.
The pain is unbearable, the burden so great,
How can they ignore the lies and hate?

I'm hanging on a thread, trying to cope,
In a world where falsehoods are seen as hope.
I long for a truth, a voice that will trump,
The lies and the darkness of Truthicide Trump.

Suicidal, my heart's torn apart,
A nation divided, a darkness to thwart.
He thrives on deception, his followers are blind,
I'm drowning in sorrow, can't leave this behind.

Oh, the weight on my shoulders is too much to bear,
But I'll fight for the truth, for a world that's fair.
I'll rise from this darkness, find strength in my heart,
To expose all the lies of Truthicide Trump.

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   13
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   0

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