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Song Parodies -> "Avengers"

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Parody Written by:

Rex Ungericht

The Lyrics

I don't really have THAT much of an issue with Black Widow and Hawk. Don't Know The Original Song (DKTOS)? It's on YouTube.
Hey, I'm watching the show today
There's something I just have to say
I don't think they can hide or just brush it aside
It's not ok, it's such a bother
And I, I'm not sure how this can be
I look on with disbelief
There are four on the team with their powers extreme
But what the hey, who are these others

You've got a guy whose major skill is shooting pointed quills
You've got a gal who's kinda smart and real good with martial arts
No super powers I can see, but yet they get to be
It's crazy

They, they'll go to an early grave
Fightin' super-powered knaves
So I think we agree, take 'em off of the team
They may be brave
But they are just human
So, just have him turn in his bow
The Widow and the Hawk should know
They'll get knocked out of sight if they put up a fight
'Cause super foes
Don't care they're just human

You've got a guy with skillful aim, but that's just kinda lame
You've got a gal who's quite a spy but you still should say goodbye
No super powers I can see, but yet they get to be
Avengers (Oh why?)

Iron Man
Along with mighty Thor
And the Hulk, the patriotic Captain
Are able to fight a war
They, they're like X-Men
They're unstoppable together
So let's be clever
And show Widow and Hawk the door

Then, add a new face or two
Maybe Doctor Strange could join the group
But then, you'd face Dormammu

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 5

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   5

User Comments

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Rob Arndt - November 22, 2012 - Report this comment
555! As a Cap fan all my life I am actually upset about Black Widow and Hawkeye. In "Ultimate Avengers 3" it is Cap and Black Widow that have a son. They belong together b/c although Hawkeye is great with his bow and counterterrorism, Black Widow is a form of Soviet/Russian female supersoldier expert in martial arts, intelligence, and all forms of weaponry. Cap's non-Nazi (Red Skull) natural enemy turned Avenger. The only other female that Cap was with that I liked was the enemy Diamondback- Cap kissed her and that's all... AFAIK :)
Matthias - November 22, 2012 - Report this comment
I kind of agree with you on this one. I mean the rest of these guys have super powers these guys have pretty decent abilities but they surely aren't super heroes in any reality Loki could have easily crushed them seeing that he's a God and they're just a couple of humans.
Rob Arndt - November 23, 2012 - Report this comment
Not true as Black Widow got information out of Loki when he was in his prison cell aboard the Avengers Helicarrier and both she and Hawkeye took a toll on Loki's army just as much as Cap, Iron Man, and Thor (Hulk excepted)...
Agrimorfee - December 06, 2012 - Report this comment
Saturday Night Live did a sketch on this same thought just recently. "Well guys, I'm outta arrows. Can I go now?"
bobpiecheese - December 09, 2012 - Report this comment
(Artistry) I personally think that their lack of superpowers proves that they are worthy to be on the team given the sheer balls it would take to take on the interdimensional threat of the Chitauri with nothing but some fancy arrows and a bit of intel. But that's just me being a dork. Pretty good parody here, 555!
Below Average Dave - December 13, 2012 - Report this comment
Admittanly, I'm not a big Avengers guy. . .not familiar with them, and maybe I missed something, just not as funny as I'm used to on your parodies, still well written and would probably work well as a recording (as all your stuff does) just not something I have enough knowledge of to really get into
Blaydeman - December 13, 2012 - Report this comment
(Artostry) I can see where you're coming from and I liked how you made it seem like you wanted them out for their own safety and do it in a polite way. And I do find the topic very interesting. However, technically Iron Man (Tony Stark) doesn't have any super powers either. He's a very gifted engineer, yes, and his suit is certain pretty super, but he himself has no powers. In fact, with that thing in his chest keeping him alive, he's actually a little bit more vulnerable than Black Widow and Hawkeye. And to pull out the big guns, one of the world's most beloved super heroes has no powers as well... BATMAN! Batman is super rich (maybe that's his power), bbut he has no super human ability. And neither does Robin for that matter, so should they be booted from the Justice League? (That would be an interesting tune as well) Obviously I'm just messing around and I liked your parody a lot Rex. All in good fun.

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