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Song Parodies -> "Prince Died In An Elevator"

Original Song Title:

"Love In An Elevator"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Prince Died In An Elevator"

Parody Written by:

eeL a i

The Lyrics

a.i. added 3 verses + 3 choruses about the opioid crisis to a chorus by eeL deaL
Oxy streets and Oxy kisses, Percocet in every dream
Pill mill doctors like sweet dealers, whispering promises obscene
Rustbelt towns and gilded gutters, needles glinting in the sun
Another life fades in a bathroom, another battle lost and won

Prince died in an elevator
He collapsed and hit the ground
Prince died in an elevator
Too much fentanyl took him down

Wall Street vultures, big pharma laughs, counting stacks of dirty bills
Politicians plead and posture, playing tricks for lobby tills
Doctors chained to quotas, patients sold a quick escape
Pain becomes a billion dollar empire, built on bodies and heartache

Prince died in an elevator, a crown fallen to the floor
Fentanyl whispers in shadows, creeping through the open door
Prince died in an elevator, a big lesson etched in pain
Wake up America, the high costs you can't reclaim

Did you care? Did you care?
Think about it now, was it fair?
Prince died in an elevator
Too much fentanyl took him down

Prince died in an elevator
He went down

Prince died in an elevator, a bright king swallowed by the tide
Fentanyl whispers in shadows, where hope and too many dreams have died
Prince died in an elevator, a siren screaming in the night
Heal wounds, rebuild the broken, reach out before one more takes flight

Harm reduction, whispers of compassion, needles clean and safe to hand
Treatment not handcuffs, second chances in the sand
Listen to the stories, the mothers weeping in the cold
Break the stigma, rewrite the narrative, turn the tide before we're old

Prince died in an elevator, it was a mirror to our shame
Fentanyl whispers in shadows, calling every single name
Prince died in an elevator, but his echo still can rise
Together we can rise above it, let love become the sunrise

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.3
How Funny: 1.3
Overall Rating: 1.3

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   13
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Bob from Dayton - December 27, 2023 - Report this comment
As much as I detest that idiot who posts up the same old subjects wrapped in great grandpa music, at least he doesn’t rely on AI to do his work for him. Kinda sad if you can’t match that…
eeL deaL - December 28, 2023 - Report this comment
eeL has posted plenty of good parodies without any help. co-creating with a.i. on some parodies is fun, just to see what it comes up with.

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.

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