The Lyrics
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Ain't cut my hair since I was three
Slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Can only cook a can o' beans
Slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
I don't care if my breath stinks
I've got green stuff in the sink
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Well, I can't be stuffed going out, you know
Slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
I order Chinese, so thank you, Wu!
Slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
The only time I get out of my seat
Is when my food is dropped off for me
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Eat junk, slobbin' it old school
It's fun, slobbin' it old school
Watch crud, TV's my life, fool
Scratch butt, it's itchy, scratch butt, so itchy
Scratch it, scratch it
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Ice, Ice, Ice, Iced Coffee's my drink, fool!
My life revolves around TV
Slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
I've glued myself into my seat
Slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
I'll survive off fish and chips
Sorry if I let one rip
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Eat crud, slobbin' it old school
Do stuff, slobbin' it old school
Game fun, on my laptop, fool
Download, some music, download, much music
Don't like, to move
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it old school
Slob, slob, slob, slob, possibly new school
Slob, slob, slob, slob, don't know the dif, fool
Slob, slob, slob, slob, slobbin' it all schools!