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Song Parodies -> "Burning Cars"

Original Song Title:

"Burning Love"

Original Performer:

Elvis Presley

Parody Song Title:

"Burning Cars"

Parody Written by:

Sarcastic Paranoid

The Lyrics

As anyone who's been watching the French election knows, Royal warned of all the "violence and brutality" her supporters would bring to France if Sarko won, and then tried to blame him for everything her supporters might do by saying that electing him would be "dangerous." Now that he's elected, her leftard supporters are already carrying out her thinly-veiled threat. This just goes to show what we on the right have known all along: in the eyes of the leftards, an election is only "fair" if the leftard wins. Otherwise, they'll go around assaulting people and destroying property just like another notorious bunch of thugs and bullies we all remember: the National Workers' Socialist German Party, a.k.a. the NASDP, a.k.a. the Nazi Party. Vichy days are here again!
Heaven help us,
Royal is threatening riots!
France is sinking
Into a huge money hole.

Threaten to set cars on fire.
They're throwing tantrums;
Immigrants out of control!

Like a dark Satanic choir,
From the socialistic mire,
They sing of setting fire,
And burning cars!

I see the madmen arising;
Help us! They're burning
A hundred and twelve cars a night!
Burning, burning, burning,
They're burning the city!
Cars by the dozen, by rows,
They've set alight!

Now their hate burns like a fire;
Our whole situation's dire;
Angry youth our Muslims sire
are burning cars!

They're getting closer;
They just torched my new Mercedes.
There's a cop down there;
They're beating him hard--there he lies!
Hide the children--
Our city's in upheaval;
Sarko, help us--
Before every citizen dies!

They just set my house on fire;
To escape, we're climbing higher;
They're Hell's infernal choir;
They're burning cars!

They're burning cars!
Ow! Ow! Burning cars!

There's a whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
A whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
A whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
A whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
A whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
A whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
A whole bunch, a bunch of burning cars!
Like the other more sensible citizens of our nation, I join Bush in congratulating Sarkozky and wish him the best, but he's got his work cut out for him: Chirac pushed for many of the same reforms Sarko is hoping to implement now back when he first got elected, but France's powerful socialist bureaucrats quickly put the kibosh on that. France is already a basket case from everything these commies-in-all-but-name have done to it, and may already be doomed to destroy itself from within. If anyone can turn things around, it's Sarkozky, but I don't hold out much hope that he can. If he doesn't, France will learn the same thing other nations such as Argentina and Venezuela have already had to learn the hard way: when socialists put your country on the road to ruin, it's all but impossible to get off it again.

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Pacing: 4.2
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.2

Total Votes: 25

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   5
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   20

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