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Song Parodies -> "Mad Throngs"

Original Song Title:

"Sad Songs (Say So Much)"

Original Performer:

Elton John

Parody Song Title:

"Mad Throngs"

Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

We live in times when we get "leaders" who have little brains
Environment's a rough spot
In the state of Texas, suffering the pains
And it's times like these, when Rush will feed hate on the radio
'Cause from the lips of this mud slinger
He'll stir up trouble, 'cause he said it's so

Spurs them on, spurs them on
Spurs on his mad throngs
They are just a pawn
Rush goads his goon squad to spur them on

The hate radio boom
Has just fueled the dittoheads' mental crutch (mental crutch)
They are just a pawn
Mad throngs say, "Go, Rush!"

There's no one else who's blustering so much when the Right goes down
When none of his words make any sense
Then it's easier to have those throngs around
So sick inside is Rush; unkind, so that his regrets are few
And he feels so good to blurt: "I'm mad!
We've just had enough - we hate to lose!"

Spurs them on, spurs them on
Spurs on his mad throngs
They are just a pawn
Rush goads his goon squad to spur them on

Mad throngs all say...
Mad throngs all say:
"Go, Rush!"

Spurs them on, spurs them on
Spurs on his mad throngs
They are just a pawn
Rush goads his goon squad to spur them on

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 38

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   8
 2   0
 3   1
 4   2
 5   27

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