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Song Parodies -> "The Federals Lied (Canadian Government song)"

Original Song Title:

"American Pie"

Original Performer:

Don McLean

Parody Song Title:

"The Federals Lied (Canadian Government song)"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A Long, long, time ago
I can still remember
When the Canadian Government was okay
And now some guy named Jean Cretchien
Gets elected once again and
Beats the living pants off Stockwell Day
Exact same election scenario,
Too many liberals in Ontario.
The NDP would not last
The Progressive C's, now, who's that?
They're so concerned with winning the
Election that they just cant see
Whats important to you and me
Thats when... the Federals... Lied

Oh why, why, did the federals lie?
Tax and levy, way too heavy, and the debt is so high
They screwed us up, and kicked us into the sky
They said "We will make the debt go bye bye"
"We will make the debt go bye bye..."

Oh, Cretchien's been ruling way too long
and The dollar value has hit the bomb
Why cant we be more like the states?
Oh, do you see stockwell picking up chicks,
Although he's 42 and they're just 6
Well, at least we dont have a very high death rate

These french-canadians want to leave,
So let them go be 'Quebekeese'
They tried to do it once, yeah
To separate from Canada
And the politics I admired most
John A. Macdonald is a ghost
But he built a railway from coast to coast
And then... The federals... Lied

Oh why, why, did the federals lie?
Tax and levy, way too heavy, and the debt is so high
They screwed us up, and kicked us into the sky
They said "We will make the debt go bye bye"
"We will make the debt go bye bye..."
Oh why, why, did the federals lie?
Tax and levy, way too heavy, and the debt is so high
They screwed us up, and kicked us into the sky
They said "We will make the debt go bye bye"
"We will make the debt go bye bye..."

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.3
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.5

Total Votes: 60

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   9
 2   6
 3   15
 4   17
 5   13

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