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Song Parodies -> "Prostitute"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Who

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

You think that I could be doing better
than stooging for a scam abettor.

But I’m a prostitute for some awful guys;
they’re paying me to praise them to the skies.
But for this shilling I am well compensated.
I parrot their junk and their bunk crack-pated, yeah!

…for lies, not facts;
prostitute—my “ethics” like theirs, flaccid and lax;
prostitute—when they tell me, “Jump!” “How high?” I ask.
Prostitute—for parroting their BS I have got the knack.

I’m a whore; it’s bullcrap oozing from my mouth:
West side says one thing while the east side just the opposite spouts.
What I share when I look in your eyes:
whatever I’m hearing from my guys.
They’re “gifting” me to fob off naught but lies;
my lips will pass their gas because they know just how to buy.

…ethics dimmed.
Prostitute—my purse ain’t slimmed;
prostitute—I’m kissing bum;
prostitute—dough-launder, get much washing done.

I’m a prostitute for unlawful guys;
At their beck and call, I will get the prize.
As a shilling thing I am well compensated,
because I’ve become a bum “slut-hack”-rated, yeah!

I’m a whore, PR pap oozing from my mouth:
West side says one thing while the east side just the opposite touts.
My share of the swag—extremely high;
I shear a slice of many a pie.
I guess it’s in my DNA to lie.
I’ll work for anyone that’s got enough money to buy.

…ethics slim.
Prostitute—my morals, dim;
prostitute—I’m kissing bum.
Prostitute—you’ve guessed? I work in Washington.

…for lies, not facts;
prostitute—paid under the table; thus, no tax;
prostitute—you’re quite right: I’m just a grafting hack.
Prostitute—I’m lining with cash my many money sacks.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 30

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   30

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