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Song Parodies -> "Wednesday Mourning, 3 A.M., November 9, 2016"

Original Song Title:

"Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M."

Original Performer:

Simon and Garfunkel

Parody Song Title:

"Wednesday Mourning, 3 A.M., November 9, 2016"

Parody Written by:

Melanie Lee

The Lyrics

I actually wrote this Wednesday morning, 3 am, November 9, 2016, although the germ of it came to me around Tuesday evening, 10:45 pm. OS:
I can hear the stunned grieving of Colbert on TV
As I sit on my bed, fighting sleep in the night,
And my hopes for refinement float out my window,
Reflecting America’s waning twilight.

She was smart, she was cool, but the glass ceiling’s heavy,
And I watch as her leads gently rise, sharply fall,
And I think at the first of the year, I’ll be leaving
As the alt-right conservatives chant for The Wall.

Oh, what have we done? Why have we done it?
We’ve committed a faux pas; we’ve broken the land.
For gaining the White House for white manly priv’lege,
We’re losing our soul in Trump’s grabby hands.

This world is unreal—a ball of confusion!
A Christmas commercial could cheer me today.
Yet I know as I gaze at my flat screen before me,
The cause of my mourning is two…months…away.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.0
How Funny: 1.9
Overall Rating: 2.0

Total Votes: 20

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   15
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   5

User Comments

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Karma - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Now you know how WE felt living under Obama and multiplied by eight.
Circle of Lice - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Karma, meet schadenfreude. schadenfreude, karma.
Melanie Lee - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Karma: please explain how you were oppressed or disadvantaged under Obama. I really want to know.
Uncle Remus - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
^ Melanie, ask rather how Mitch McConnell & Co. felt themselves oppressed and disadvantaged just one day after Inauguration in 2009. It was then that the Republicans' sole mission became to thwart a second term for Obama by deadlocking Congress with monolithic opposition, which they achieved for 6 years. That's how government really became broken. They were supposed to be the loyal opposition, but they became traitors to their country. But the bedrock reason for red-blooded Americans' hatred of Obama is almost unspeakable: the spectacle of a black guy with a Muslim name, his black wife, and his kids Topsy and Eva soiling the White House! Now all the secret racists, crypto-fascists and assorted crackers on this site can start spitting and frothing. 5s.
Melanie Lee - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Uncle Remus: Thank you. Karma: I still want to know how the Obama administration oppressed you.
Patrick - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
With Donald Trump's election, the value of my guns has dropped 50%.
Affected - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Melanie, if I told you all of Obama's core policies that have affected myself as a soldier, my entire family with healthcare, loss of jobs to other nations in my city, and Muslims being bussed into my state, you would label me a racist as blacks always do because they worship Obama as a black messiah which he is not. He more than doubled the debt too which affects our entire nation as well as his failed red line bluff, failure to defeat ISIL, and many foreign policies which are detrimental to these United States. Trump won fair and square and yet we now see nightly crowds of poor sport losers threatening both the government and the public, shouting obscenities at white people in minority held areas. There already have been incidents of violence by blacks beating an old white man for "voting for Trump." Hateful graffiti is showing up in minority areas. Vandalism too. It's not my fault that black voter turnout was lower than expected. Trump got 8% up from 1% initially. So you can spew hate at me, but I voted my conscience and will be glad the day the Obamas hit the street and are out of the White House. The way Obama treated Vets is horrible.
Hal - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
For anyone who says Trump isn't their President, please report to immigration and tell them which country you want to go back to!!!
Tom - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Poor Patrick! You may have to start making money responsibly.
Callmelennie - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
I've got a question that I'd rather ask, Unk. How come it's treason when Republicans oppose Obama, but the heigth of patriotism when Democrats opposed Bush? Is it because Americans increased the numbers of Republican congressmen from 179 to 245 in 2010 after Democrats passed everything on their wish list in the years 2009-10. Cause it seems to me the American people were sending an unequivocal message to Congress to obstruct everything Obama were trying to do. So how can acceding to the will of the American people be considered treason, unless you're suggesting that about 56% of the American people are committing treason on themselves. But you wouldn't be suggesting that, cause only a lunatic would say that. Perhaps you were just mis-informed
Uncle Remus - November 10, 2016 - Report this comment
Why, Callmelennie, you're about as dumb as Br'er Fox. As I plainly wrote, Republican treason began on Jan. 21, 2009, when the Democrats took over the White House and controlled both houses of Congress. Republicans did not wait around till 2010 when they would make the usual mid-term election gains and take the majority of the House. They planned (though they could not execute) their dirty work right away, over the will of the American people. The obstructionism and paralysis of the government, which caused the drive for Change at any cost, is traceable to that early 2009 Republican meeting. That created the G.O.P. Monster, and they own him!

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