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Song Parodies -> "No One Died When Clinton Lied?"

Original Song Title:

"Where Have All The Flowers Gone?"

Original Performer:

Pete Seeger

Parody Song Title:

"No One Died When Clinton Lied?"

Parody Written by:

Steve Kalafut

The Lyrics

Critics of Dubya claim that his lies cost people their lives, but Mr. Bill's did not. However, just as the WMD's didn't turn up in Iraq, the mass graves and "tens of thousands" of genocide victims did not turn up in Kosovo. Instead, the number of Kosovars killed by Milosevic was between 2000 and 3000, and might even be less than the number of people killed by the US/UK bombing. Thus, it is quite possible that the war in Kosovo, and the loss of life therein, may have resulted from a lie. It is also possible that Mr. Bill honestly but wrongly believed what he said about mass graves and dead Kosovars. I will gladly give him the benefit of the doubt when Dubya's critics do the same for him.
No one died when Clinton lied?
I don't think so
No one died when Clinton lied?
I'm not so sure
Could it be that Clinton lied
Not just about Monica?
Let's look at Kosovo
Let's look at Kosovo

Bill said there would be mass graves
But where were they?
Few if any mass graves found
Until Iraq
Slobodan Milosevic
Murdered people, but were they
Enough for genocide?
Enough for genocide?

Bombed the Chinese embassy
Maps outdated
Yes, we killed civilians, too
Like in Iraq
Where have our cruise missiles gone?
Some hit soldiers, some did not
Should we have used them all?
Should we have used them all?

Then we bombed some cardboard tanks
They were decoys
Stealthy fighter was shot down
I wonder how
Said the war would not last long
It took almost eighty days
Much longer than Bill said
Much longer than Bill said

Where have all the graveyards gone?
In Pristina
Where have all the graveyards gone?
In Kosovo
Where have all the graveyards gone?
Covered with Bill Clinton's lie?
Were he and Bush both wrong?
Were he and Bush both wrong?
For more information, go to or other thing to note: Pete Seeger is a supporter of communism, which has a death toll of about 100,000,000.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.3
How Funny: 4.2
Overall Rating: 4.3

Total Votes: 12

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   10

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

John Jenkins - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
This parody does a great job of highlighting the irony (hypocrisy?) of the criticism of the Iraqi War compared to the acceptance of the War in Kosovo. Also, thank you for pointing out that, even though Mr. Seeger's contributions to the world of music are extraordinary; when he wanders into the realm of politics, he is lost.
Royce Miller - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
thanks for the insight, Steve
Dee Range - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
Excellent and thought provoking. And what of the future Little Bills that died on Monicas' dress :-)....5's
Johnny D - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
Steve, you are asking serious questions and you are asking people to think, which are always good things to do.
John Barry - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
To paraphrase the George C.Scott character in "Dr. Strangelove": I'm not saying they didn't get their hair mussed, but no more than 2000 killed--3000 tops."
Know 1 can hear you dream - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
Dee: LOL at that little-bills comment! Steve: Where do you get your news? I have friends that escaped from Kosovo and are now living in Sweden. They can't go back even though they wanna. The place is still (in practise though not in theory) run by a communist mafia just waiting for the remaining UN and US troops to go home. They've had plenty of time and free hands to destroy, relocate and diminish evidence of genocide. There's still enough for the Haag court to judge Milosevic and Co, and Us troops were needed elsewhere, so they've just left the whole damn area with some looking-good-in-the-news political make-up and as an accident just waiting to happen (again).
Ashkicksass - October 21, 2004 - Report this comment
There's a very large population of Bosnian refugees here in Salt Lake City, (yeah, it's kinda strange, but true) and they tell a very different story than you do Steve. I'm not going to vote on this, because I'm obviously biased, but the actual facts say that we had a hell of alot more reason to go to Bosnia than we ever had to go to Iraq. And I can only wish that the war in Iraq one would have lasted 80 days...
Adagio - October 24, 2004 - Report this comment
Yes, good job of pointing out the hypocrisy. Good job on this parody! 5's
Tommy Turtle - September 28, 2007 - Report this comment
John Jenkins said everything that I was going to say. Top-notch iconoclasm in the best tradition of satire. 555+
DRago - February 13, 2009 - Report this comment
Even if the numbers were exaggerated, that doesn't change the fact that Milosevic was running "ETHNIC CLEANSING CAMPS." As in Genocide. Last I checked, stopping genocide was one of the best reasons to poke your nose in another country's business. Had we chosen to abstain, we would have been no better than those who pretended not to see the smoke at Auschwitz. Yes, thousands of Americans died, but how many millions of Yugoslavians (Croats, Serbs, Muslims, etc.) lived?

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