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Song Parodies -> "They Do Rhone Clones"

Original Song Title:

"Da Do Ron Ron"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"They Do Rhone Clones"

Parody Written by:

John A. Barry

The Lyrics

They Do Rhone Clones

Way up there in those Napa and Sonoma hills,
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.
Never sparkling, these red wines are always still.
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.

Up there in the hills.
Never sparkling—still.
There, sprouting from the loam:
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.

It's more complex than brewing. . .output's not so high
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.
That's why it's more expensive than beer to buy.
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.

Output's not so high
So costs more to buy.
Harder to make at home.
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.

(Sack solo)

When brix is up to 7, then its about time.
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.
To send it down to the bottling line.
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.

Then it's about time
For the bottling line.
To buy, I need a loan.
They do grow Rhone clones; they do Rhone clones.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 1

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   0

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Kristof Robertson - June 25, 2004 - Report this comment
How the hell do you come up with your ideas, John? The Crystals..winemaking...unbelievable. 555
Ravyn Rant - June 25, 2004 - Report this comment
Big 5s for the sack solo! Is it Happy Hour yet?
Johnny D - June 25, 2004 - Report this comment
I'm calling to congratulate you on your Rhone-phone at 555-4U4U.
John Barry - June 25, 2004 - Report this comment
Thanks, all. Kristof, I've got too much time on my hands, to dwell on ideas.
Meriadoc - June 25, 2004 - Report this comment
Very clever!

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