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Song Parodies -> "Barmy Freestyle"

Original Song Title:

"Nasty Freestyle"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Barmy Freestyle"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Part of my "50 Shades of Pop Supplemental" self-challenge. And now, a tale of random crap happening. Because drugs or something.
It's po-mo, say whatever I like
I know what I say sounds insane
But that's me, yo

First let me drop why my throat's soundin' coarse
That's because I spent the last few days with a horse
Not in that way, I mean him and me are pals, love to snort
Anythin' that's granulated, like my shorts
Won't believe what we just did, I bet
Built a mighty spaceship from cardboard and thread
Visited a couple planets, blew up some more, 'bout ten
Then we learned to our regret, that's where all the ladies went
We got back to Earth and met a bunch of world leaders
Downed some jello shots and punched a fat racehorse breeder
That's all on the horse, I didn't think of that, blame her
No, I haven't yet been bothered to learn my horse's gender
Cause I'm busy, I'm printin' t-shirts that have me on
Lot of random symbols that are coloured brightly neon
'Fore you ask, made some big enough for the horse to put on
Wearin' what I wear's a base thing that we agree on, oh shit
Hearin' space-type noises, must be that alien freighter
That we danced through while butt-naked with all our holes filled with razors
Then we scrawled upon the windshield "See ya later" or some phrasin'
Never did I think I'd bring upon an alien invasion
Did they make an announcement? Guess their service is shitty
They're from outer space and cross-platform tech's always been tricky
I don't know if I'm misusin' that term, still tipsy
Still can't kill 'em with a Mac, that's silly
No, what needs to be done is to set them all on fi-ire
Good thing I can burn anythin', don't even need a lighter
Hang on, there, my pants are sacrificin' their fibres
To bring down the ship, who needs jet fighters?
Stre-stre-stretchin' out the band, gotta keep it real steady, yeah
I don't wanna miss, cause things will get messy
Bu-bu-bullseye on the warship, now what else to do today?
Think I'll try to teach my best horse friend to rollerskate

The great thing about writing a parody about random nonsense is that you don't have to worry too much about internal consistency. Though you can always call attention to it if you wanna, 'tis a grand tradition in fiction.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.1
How Funny: 4.1
Overall Rating: 4.1

Total Votes: 28

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   1
 3   2
 4   1
 5   20

User Comments

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HF Fan - February 19, 2016 - Report this comment
This is nowhere near Harold Fuccerman's Clannerpoop! Not even close!

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