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Song Parodies -> "Lose An Eye"

Original Song Title:

"You & I"

Original Performer:

One Direction

Parody Song Title:

"Lose An Eye"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Something a little bit squeamish for Halloween, feels about right...
It kinda fell out, it kinda fell out, swear that's no lie
It's on the ground, collecting dust and hair and mites
And 'cause it's a globe, because it's a globe, it won't sit tight
Will roll around but I need it in its socket
Help me, bud, hold the barf for one sec, bud

Lose an eye, can't believe it went and slipped
Feels so weird, these loose eyelids, how did I suddenly lose an eye?
I feel like a total putz, man, zero depth perception sucks
How the hell'd I suddenly lose an eye?
Oh-oh-oh, lose an eye

Dude, can you calm down? It's just an eyeball, don't freak out
Help me locate it before someone steps on it now
I see through that eye, I see through that eye all day and night
Did you expect it to be made of glass or plastic?
Quite far off, that was my real eye that popped

Lose an eye, fell on the floor with a "plip"
Got some water to hold it, how did I suddenly lose an eye?
Doctor's gonna ask, I've got jack-all, hope the other stays stuck

To lose an eye with no hard blow to the head
It's something I just don't get, how did I suddenly lose an eye (yeah-eah-eah-eah)?
Empty hole's got cotton stuffed, that should deal with the flow of blood
How the hell'd I suddenly lose an eye (lose an eye)?
Oh-oh-oh, lose an eye (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
Lose an eye, hope it's no cat snack, ain't right, lose an eye
Oh-oh-oh, lose an eye, lose an eye

...not that I planned it in meticulous detail. Was only at the part where I decided it was a real eye that popped out instead of a glass eye that I realised "Huh, timed that one well."

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 17

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   17

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