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Song Parodies -> "Shower Rage"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Lil Skies ft. Landon Cube

Parody Song Title:

"Shower Rage"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

It's gotta be done but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck...
Know I should be clean
Ayy, ayy, ayy

Shower rage, swear it happens too often
Shower rage when I'm tryna clean my skin
And though I know that I have a bad stink
Wish that I could just skive off goin' in this thing
Shower rage on ev'ry day
I must brave this glass box, no, cage
Always gets me pissed, wanna hear my list?
It blows, it blows (ayy, really wish I could stay outside)

Sick of gettin' globs of shampoo or condit'ner in my eye
I know to to rub 'em as I wash but it still gets inside
Water runnin' down my head becomes a irritable slide
And it isn't fun to try to wash it out, can't tell a lie
Yeah, 'cause I have to close my now-red eyes
Can't check if the water has still got the painful goop inside
It becomes a cycle of sharp pain and failure to subside
Anyone who says "rinse and repeat" will lose their own eyes, yeah
And while I'm afflicted with this, bro
Pretty sure the temp'rature is actin' like a yo-yo
Hot then cold, yes and then no, however that one song goes
Can it get fixed? Yes, though not for long, afraid so
Ayy, feels like I'm crackin' a safe
And half the time I can't see since I'm tryna protect my face
Difficulty's stuck on Hard, can't become an easy game
I can make it worse with ease: forget the floor's slipp'ry state

Shower rage, it's a feelin' too common
Shower rage, always gets under my skin
All that I really pine for's cleanliness
And some time so that I can sing with echoes in
Shower rage is on my brain
Ev'ry day, I might go insane
Hard to keep my grip on these tiles, I slip
It blows, it blows

Can guess what some might say after my long tirade
Quite a lot of "Dude, I've been there" or an "It me" or "Same"
Some people laugh, I don't think that's right
But I can see myself right on their side
I know for a fact one can be less kind
The less one knows someone person'lly, ain't right
I laugh when they hurt, especially online
When their bad situations get scored with silly music
"Trade shower rage for a bath, they're awesome"?
The last time I was in one, I wasn't in charge of my washin'
And now I'm in charge of my washin', so
Ayy, don't really know how, okay?
And maybe this is just me but they're not a comfortable place
Material's really hard on my back and butt, it's pain
And I do not have the need to turn my skin to dead grapes

Shower rage is a pain in my rear end
Shower rage, unavoidable bullshit
Don't have time to change my routine, stuck with
Shampooed eyes, boilin' ice and chance to break a hip

I seriously can't remember the last time I had a bath. Pretty sure I hadn't gained a second digit, so that means it was a whiiiiiile ago.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 42

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   39

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bobpiecheese - September 28, 2023 - Report this comment
Please can someone leave a c-moment. This comment will be deleted soon as I 3nt to preserve its exc;usivity

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