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Song Parodies -> "Seventeenth Marriage"

Original Song Title:

"Niggas in Paris"

Original Performer:

Jay-Z & Kanye West

Parody Song Title:

"Seventeenth Marriage"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Something about this wedding seems...suspicious...
"Speak now or forever hold-" Won't hold, I'll speak
Stop this farce, this woman's on a crime spree

I said stop this farce, this woman's on a crime spree, you might think she's actin' kindly
But there's a snag to it: there's somethin' that seems a bit off, death-like, see
Stop this farce, she's been slayin' ev'rybody that she's married
Evidence? No, just put two and two together and you should click: she's scary
Stop this farce, let's be clear, I did not plan to be here
Stop this farce, I came here to check that my theory works fair
I know she's psycho, in that white robe's a murd'ress
Hacked up piles of husbands, each ex
Stop this farce, before this one falls prey to an axe chop
That she claims was on the line, accidents happen at his job
S-Stop this farce, I'm shocked too, know I come off as a big douche
Her big day, all her friends came, beautiful marriage, how dare I? It's true
S-Stop this farce anyway, it's gonna go bad in six days
Neck throttle, smashed bottle, all to make this douchebag pay
S-Stop this farce, oops, let's take a second, rewind, play
I'm no Poirot but I know I can explain

Stop this farce, this woman's on a crime spree, that chick slays
That chick slays, that chick slays
S-Stop this farce, this woman's on a crime spree, that chick slays
That chick slays, that chick slays

She says "Hey, how dare you even have the gall?"
I'm not shook, expected bawlin' and all
You've all got the right to be appalled
But you might be more so once I've spilled it all
Stop this farce, that chick's slain (that chick's slain) all her dates
S-Stop this farce, ev'ry husband (ev'ry husband), they weren't great
S-Stop this farce (hehe), read Facebook posts (Facebook posts), pretty strange
Stop this farce, that she marries the worst around then they soon end up in the grave
Snobby jerks, total prats, blame "the bitch" for failed crypto plans
Always end up drowned or slashed, hehe, I'm just sayin'
Did they all deserve to die? If you ask me
Hang on a tic, I had an answer, it was fancy
Solution was murder, cops couldn't be bothered
To check on whether her stories could pass muster
Moved on quick from her angstin' to the next total bastard
Will this seventeenth marriage end up with the same damage? Huh?

No-one missed those assholes, it seems
The looks you're givin' me says "co-conspirators"
Um, might end up as a ghost (maybe should be goin')

Stop this farce, this woman's on a crime spree
S-Stop this farce, this woman's on a crime spree

I get now ev'ryone knows, they're fine with killin' assholes
At least the ones more unknown, no paparazzi who'd know
That they've not shown up on time to the movie set, just the guys
Who are too common, which sure blows, but is a shallow grave the perfect home?
I have no clout to let folks who might just give a shit know
A pattern-follower bro, the details are where I glow
Like I happened to notice nobody's phone is open
Proof of my outburst? Bupkis, yet nobody's grabbed a gun yet
Maybe I should shut my hole, let the festivities flow
The groom looks smug, what a dope, he's definitely soon to go

Boy, I bet that amateur detective sure feels sheepish. Though maybe not as sheepish as I felt the other day when I realised that the topic of my parody on Monday had already been done by me...only two months ago. To coin a phrase: whoops!

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Pacing: 5.0
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Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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 1   0
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 5   13

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