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Song Parodies -> "It's Crime"

Original Song Title:

"It's Time"

Original Performer:

Imagine Dragons

Parody Song Title:

"It's Crime"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Always research the business before you apply. ALWAYS.
I need to pay my rent so sometimes I just forget
To even single-check the background of the bus'ness
So I signed up, was I had?
Seein' red flags and that's a shade that's just not worth the paycheck
Think I'm gonna have to leave this town
Since I've brought my reputation down
I ballsed it up, just never thought to cross my mind

It's crime, isn't it? I got tricked, it feels a little bit
Pyramid-esque, gonna quit and get the hell out of dodge
Change my name if I can
Didn't catch on that it was a scam

I know that I can sell whatever pretty well
And so the pitch I read did not ring any bells
Failed to catch on to the fact
That what I had to sell for near three-quarters of my paycheck
Wasn't products or insurance now
It was sellin' my own job and how
And once I got that little point, I saw the light

It's crime, isn't it? I got tricked, not just a little bit
Big friggin' fib on the pitch, it obfuscated a ton
I didn't understand
That I'm bein' paid to be an ass
It's crime, isn't it? I got tricked, so now I'm gonna quit
And then scrub this MLM on my resumé right off
I hope I can do that
If that means more crimes for me, that tracks

This whole bus'ness style's unholy
So sure they could not enrol me
Spot that shit so damn quick

It's crime, isn't it? I got tricked, so sure it was legit
Since I thought this kinda shit was not allowed by the law
How did they get 'round that?
I would be impressed but it's still bad
It's crime, isn't it? I got tricked, feelin' like such a twit
But I can't kick myself yet, I gotta get out of dodge
Just say sorry? Man
It's a little bit too late for that

...are we the baddies?

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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