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Song Parodies -> "Horn"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Ava Max

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

There's a time and place for honking the horn of your car. And that time is not "all the goddamn time".
You, you're givin' me such fri-fri-fright today
'Cause, 'cause you're a real impatient jerk
I, I took a sec to dri-dri-drive away
'Cause, 'cause that's just how reactions work
Was no great delay, see, there's no need to berate me
And yet you honk, ho-honk, honk at me like crazy
Doubt you've got issues dire, rear view just shows me ire
Means you're a knob, kn-knob, knob quite plainly

Oh, massive road rage, haven't earned all your scorn
Oh no, there's no need for that horn
Not pressin' it once, must slam on it more
Oh no, there's no need for that horn
There's times it's necessary, sure
Show actual douchebags what for
But this ain't that, bud, a waste of your force
Oh no, there's no need for that horn

I, I wish it was just once, once, once today
One, one instance won't cause much brain harm
This, this prick has been behind me all the way
From, from the moment I left my park
Made it plain, he hates me, the reason's sorta hazy
Clear that he wants, wa-wants, wants to stalk and haze me
Guess his standards are higher than any spacebound flyer
And so he honks, ho-honks, honks like crazy

Oh, too soon a brake by half a second? Lord
Oh no, there's no need for that horn
Even when the fault's elsewhere, slams it more
Oh no, there's no need for that horn
I can't respond, I know for sure
He'll take it as proof, what a dork
You look the jagoff, not me, save your force
Oh no, there's no need for that horn

Horn, horn, lay off the horn, horn
Horn, horn, lay off the horn, horn

Horn always makes me wig out and look
To check who's so mad at me
The horn might be from sane dudes, can't tell
Might have a proper issue outside of "just hates the sight of me"

Oh, the damn noise makes me just drive worse, you dork
Oh no, there's no need for that horn (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
Loud beep makes me jump, stop slammin' it more
Oh no, there's no need for that horn
Forgotten what I came out for (oh-oh-oh, yeah)
Because of this asshole du jour
Wish I could just pop his wheels with a fork (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
Oh no, there's no need for that horn

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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