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Song Parodies -> "Fluff in My Navel"

Original Song Title:

"Calling All Angels"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Fluff in My Navel"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

When navel-gazing goes literal...
I've never known the reason that it's here
It doesn't seem to be produced like the wax in my ear
'Cause if it was, the colour would remain one
Rather than rotating with the shirts I wear, it's nuts
Not that much, won't break brains, thought remains placed inside my head
How is all of this lint made? Why is here its path's end?

All this fluff in my navel
All this fluff inside my navel
Where'd it come from? What is it made of?
Is it bad stuff? Should I freak a bunch?
Should I give up picking from my tum?
Am I just nuts? What does it taste of?

It's not a joke, want to know why it's here
Isn't consistent in colour or texture, I fear
I want a reason for what's close to my belly
And is it gross to flick the stuff at anyone who's next to me?

All this fluff in my navel
All this fluff inside my navel

A phrase I never understood but now it's all too clear
Since I now find I'm spending time real focused on what's near
What lies beneath my boring T-shirts isn't quite what you'd call "deep" (what is this stuff? What is it made of?)
But I'll contemplate the hole dug in my middle for a lot of hours (will drive me nuts if that can be done)

All this fluff in my navel
All this fluff inside my navel
All this (where'd it come from? What is it made of?) fluff in my navel (is it bad stuff? Should I freak a bunch?)
All this (should I give up picking from my tum?) fluff inside my navel (am I just nuts? What does it taste of?)
Fluff inside my navel (what is this stuff? What is it made of?)
Fluff inside my navel (will drive me nuts if that can be done)
Fluff inside my navel (where'd it come from? What is it made of?)

...and I'm just discovering that this parody about being literal about a philosophical concept is based on a song inspired by a conversation the lead singer had with his therapist. The more you know, I guess.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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