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Song Parodies -> "My Sleeve"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Kooks

Parody Song Title:

"My Sleeve"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Of all the heckler variants that I'm sure exist, the snobby douche who tries to pick apart the magic trick sure is one of them...
Must be sayin' you've got it wrong
Not in the trade to say more
Oh, not up my sleeve, 'fraid so
"How was that trick done?"
You work it out, you're real smart
Oh, but please shut your smug-ass face
Do all your thinkin' work
At home, not while I perform
Oh, it's rude, I might throw you outside

I know you know I'm not fond of folks askin'
How it's done, 'cause, you see, the point is the whole myst'ry
Dude, I know you know I'm not fond of folks askin'
How it's done, leave me be, don't kill the whole myst'ry

It's the worst part of my job
The smug douchebag who wants to know more
Oh, not up my sleeve, 'fraid so
Can't say how it's done
Job description has no part
Oh, where I spill beans 'round the place
Want to know how it works?
Become a magician, 'cause
Oh, nobody likes the "loud knob" type

I know you know I'm not fond of folks askin'
Just how it's done, 'cause, you see, the spectacle brings real glee
Dude, I know you know I'm not fond of folks askin'
How it's done, info's free to no-one, shut up, please

Won't blab how this trick's done
Your head's stuck in your rear part
Oh, not up my sleeve, 'fraid so
That's your main guess, sad twit
Not wearin' a shirt at all
I find I don't like trolls, go outside

I know you know I'm not fond of folks askin'
How it's done, 'cause, you see, the show's not about the deets
Dude, I know you know I'm not fond of folks askin'
How it's done, just let me turn this car into cheese

This is a great crowd
Except for one clown
The "can't have fun" type, there's no need to shout
How you can't work out
How I've achieved flight, the worst goddamn sound, oh
To hear this jerk shout
"How can it be? Lies!" Don't make me come down
Saw you in half now

It's the one time that "It's magic, I don't have to explain it" is actually valid reasoning.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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