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Song Parodies -> "Piss Off, You Damn Mosquitoes"

Original Song Title:

"No Me Doy por Vencido"

Original Performer:

Luis Fonsi

Parody Song Title:

"Piss Off, You Damn Mosquitoes"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

This may be an unpopular opinion, but mosquitoes suck.
I don't like mo-osquitoes, heh, I don't think anyo-one does, though
Who'd want that constant buzzing in their ear ev'ry se-ec or so?
Not as loud as a blowfly or as constant as a bee, still loathe
That high-pitched whine in my ears, someti-i-imes lit'ra-ally so
Heh, what's the damn poi-oint of mosquitoes?
All they do is buzz round, suck your blood and a-awa-ay they go
Doesn't matter much to the ecosystem, at least vitally so
If the spiders starve, I'd be oka-a-ay

So plea-ea-ease, so please piss off, you da-amn mo-osquitoes
You're not what I wa-a-ant at thi-is time, no
Of all bugs, you're the worst pain in the arse, in the arse, in the arse, I'll ha-ave you know
Please stop for a-a second o-o-or so
I could squash you cause I ha-a-ate you, piss off, you damn mo-osquitoes

Once the bitche-es drink your blood, gross
And I mean that cause male mosquitoes drink wate-er and nectar
Point is, that spot that got bitten itches like a crappy sweater
Scratch it until you bleed, just brings more, that's a-a bummer
And if you're a-a lu-ucky bugger
You'll only have the one spot, but does that happen? Frigging never
No, of course, instead you'll get approximat'ly sixteen hu-undred
Almost makes one want to loudly screa-eam

So plea-ea-ease, so please piss off, you da-amn mo-osquitoes
You're not wanted a-a-at all, plea-ease just go
Cause you're gonna make me Mortein your arse, spray your arse, spray your arse, I'll ha-ave you know
Do you wanna-a fall down a-a-and choke?
No, then just move cause I ha-a-ate you, piss off, you damn mo-osquitoes

Yes, all my-y doors are closed, my windows are sea-ealed ti-ight, but ala-a-as
There's still a-a shitload of mozzies in my personal space

So plea-ea-ease, so please piss off, you-ou da-amn mo-osqui-uitoes
No point to your e-existe-ence, ju-ust go
At least stop biting my large flabby arse, off my arse, off my arse, that's ju-ust too low
Makes me look li-ike a slack ho-o-obo
When I scratch there lots, it's not fair, piss off, you da-amn mo-osqui-ui-uitoes, yeah

Ooh-ooh-ooh, sorely tempted to set you all on fire, all on fire, all on fire, not a-advi-i-i-ised, though-ough
That's just how my brain's so da-a-a-amn close
To plain breaking, I can't ta-ake it, piss off, you damn mosqui-ui-uito-o-o-o-oes

And only upon submitting do I learn that "mosquitoes" is the proper plural, not "mosquitos". This is what happens when you write parodies in Notepad, it doesn't have a spell-check to catch things like this.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

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