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Song Parodies -> "Violent Dissertation"

Original Song Title:

"Private Education"

Original Performer:

Josh Pyke

Parody Song Title:

"Violent Dissertation"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

From the makers of Aggressive Negotiations, it's the hot new blend of psychology and extreme violence!
This is my violent dissertation 'cause let's be honest here, it's easier
To skip the lengthy explanation and just clock you in the forehead now
Yes, it's a violent dissertation, so I present you with what you need
A real simple education with a two-by-four, hope you don't bleed
'Cause if I cave the whole of your skull in, that's not a good outcome, it's true
Since the point gets a little bit lost if you can't hear what's said to you

Tried to talk folks down but at my best, I'd find I taught jack shite
Much frustration 'til I lost my mind and punched my desk hard twice
The attention snapped back to me hard and though I had to restart
But they learned lots all thanks to me makin' my mark, mark, mark, mark, mark


So it's a violent dissertation and I know it looks a little bit
Kinda crazy but just hear me out: it's the spectacle that brings 'em in
So forgive me for what I have thumped and forgive me for what I might do
And help me so the only harm done is to the weapons that I'll use

Point is clearer now if it's made with a knife, I think you'll find
All the fancy facts stay in your mind if they're paired with a slice
But I hear the protests comin' hard, can't pull the Mythbusters card
Said I was gonna hit you, please, let's just restart, that was a little hook
To bring in more int'rest, grab all those eager peepers who might fail their test
I won't bring any pain to those that I teach, should fear not
That's my one disclaimer and alibi, not gonna stop
And I know the next thing you'll impart, that guy there who's bruisin' hard
No student card and he's agreed to play this part, part, part

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh

This is my violent dissertation, got action packed in ev'ry lecture
Throwin' these rocks around so that you will learn all of the deets I need you to

Not sure what's weirder: the whole concept of this parody or the fact that I referenced Star Wars and The Young Ones in the intro there.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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