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Song Parodies -> "American Citizen"

Original Song Title:

"American Idiot"

Original Performer:

Green Day

Parody Song Title:

"American Citizen"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Green day are the real American idiots.They BS about America completly.They pretty much say they don't want to be free and have rights.If you follow that song your an American Idiot controlled by the Green Day media
American citizen

I want to be an american citizen
I want to have freedom and rights.
I can hear all the pussy whiners.
That are playin guitar and wearing eyeliner.

Welcome to a land full of money,
Where the rules are fair for everybody.
Anarchism is fucking gay.
The truth is we don't have it tough,
you can get there if you try hard enough.
living here is nothing but okay.

One thing i know is, i support America.
Im not a part of the liberal agenda.
We have people dying to defend us,
they wanna be supporters of democracy and justice.

Welcome to a land full of money,
Where the rules are fair for everybody.
Anarchism is fucking gay.
The truth is we don't have it tough,
you can get there if you try hard enough.
living here is nothing but okay.

I wanna be an American citizen.
It lets you voice your opinions.
I get to use my own mind,
and have unlimited rights.

One thing i know is, i support America.
Im not a part of the liberal agenda.
We have people dying to defend us,
they wanna be supporters of democracy and justice.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.3
How Funny: 2.1
Overall Rating: 2.1

Total Votes: 58

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   35
 2   3
 3   3
 4   3
 5   14

User Comments

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LadyGaladriel - January 21, 2005 - Report this comment
I could lecture you about how completely wrong you are, but I'll settle for voting you 1s and going out to burn Old Glory on my back porch. Oh yeah, and lay off the guys in eyeliner.
Rayne - February 13, 2005 - Report this comment
Well I can safely say I'm not an American Idiot since I'm English, but I certainly follow this song. I'm also pretty sure that those 'pussy whiners' don't care that they offended someone who support George Bush either. 1's for you as you obviously haven't woken up to the real world yet. P.S Judging by this, It seems YOU are an example of an American Idiot.
D to tha K - March 05, 2005 - Report this comment
you are an idiot. you act like you make a diff to Green Day. they're rich they got all they need. can't believe you have anything but 1's up there
Me - April 02, 2005 - Report this comment
Get a sense of humor american idiot! P.s. I'm english so that won't apply to me. leave green day alone
Someone hoo likes greendae - April 09, 2005 - Report this comment
U R THE BIGGEST FATTEST IDIOT EVA!!!!!! Umm....if u havnt noticed greendae haz a point....o im so srry...i forgot u were @ ur Gorge Bush fan club.....ha, lik u make a difference...pls. say dat @ a greendae concert.....ill visit u@ da hospital......
Proudly American - April 20, 2005 - Report this comment
I have served seven years active service in the US Army (82nd Airborne), and I am disgusted by the public opinion at home. Do none of you liberal whiners realize what we are fighting against... oh yeah, none of you have ACTUALLY FOUGHT against it like I have. Green Day should be ashamed of themselves. Only in America would they be allowed to bash their government and get rich in the process. What hypocrites! Maybe you Brits might remember another George- Mr. Washington. We soundly thrashed your European armies TWICE, and then saved you from Der Fuhrer (Hitler to you stupid people) in WWII. As to the flag burner, 1st Amendment or not, if I saw you burn our proud banner of freedom, liberty, and justice, I would not hesitate to burn YOU instead.
A.S.A. Jones - June 25, 2005 - Report this comment
I think it's a parody on the right track. Green Day is a talented band. Their videos are powerful and the poetry of their lyrics have an intellectual appeal. But talented musicians do not necessarily prove to be talented political pundits. It's one thing to sing catchy tunes with cool images flashing behind you and to fool a bunch of adolescents into thinking that you are wise and oh so right in your critical analysis of America, but how does that analysis measure up to reality? Pulverize the Eiffel towers Who criticize your government Bang bang goes the broken glass and Kill all the fags that don't agree Trials by fire, setting fire Is not a way that's meant for me Just cause, just cause, because we're outlaws yeah! Pulverize the Eiffel towers just because they criticize our government? The only towers that got pulverized, of which I am aware, were the Twin Towers. Kill the fags that don't agree? I don't recall America rounding up gays and shooting them. Are we talking about the same group of people who proudly parade around in leather thongs in San Francisco? And since when does exercise of free speech make one an 'outlaw'? I'm sure that Green Day would love to believe that they are persecuted and romanticized outlaws, but the truth is, they are just another group of spoiled, pseudo- compassionate brats who need to criticize and pity the brave who die for freedom in order to justify their own cowardly choice of self-preservation.
totallyevil - September 17, 2005 - Report this comment
what's wrong with wearing eyeliner??? i'm sick of people whining about how they hate green day. If ya hate green day, yer the only american idiots here. GREEN DAY ROX, EVERYBODY ELSE SUX!!!!!
Pierre The Goat Boy - September 18, 2005 - Report this comment
Green Day is a bunch of probably litteraly gay guys getting together in half-drag, singing un-american and naziish wannabe punk songs, who think that because they are famous that they are somehow qualified to teach america about politics.
?????? - September 23, 2005 - Report this comment
what kind of person calls himself pierre the goat boy?
Hollie - October 26, 2005 - Report this comment
think Green Day does not have a point with American Idiot. They're rich and they don't really know how the rest of the world works. I really like alot of their songs but I was dissapointed in it. They're obviously not trying to make America better they're just trying to criticize it. And English person, shut up. Your not American. You don't count because your own country is so full of holes and people there are way poorer and less priveleged than us. Go cry to Queen Victoria. And guess what? I'm not some stuck-up Republican, I'm a democrat, and my mother immigrated from India because she wanted religios freedom. She was dirt poor when she came here and now she's a doctor. Don't give me crap about how America is such a fake. You have no idea.
Proudly American - November 11, 2005 - Report this comment
Firstly, Nashy should actually make comments about the parody, not about a comment on the parody. Secondly, Green Day really needs to stop complaining. Only in America, with our rights and liberties that are protected by the Constitution, can Green Day get away with criticizing the government. If they tried to do that in the Middle East, they'd end up in a mass grave along with the Kurds. In their songs, they often accuse Bush of despising anyone who disagrees with him. What they seem to have missed is that they themselves despise those who dont agree with their own extremely liberal ideas. For Green Day to talk about intolerance of other viewpoints is absurd and sickeningly hypocritical. It should be offensive to the average American that Green Day takes advantage of the liberties that America represents in order to verbally asault her. To complain about the system when you are reaping huge monetary benefits from that system is hypocritical. 'Jimmy was a Crackhead' has it right: it is good to be an American citizen. We belong to the greatest nation on Earth, economically, politically, and militarily, and the one which gives its inhabitants the most civil liberties. Obviously, millions of people do want to be American citizens, as evidenced by the hordes of immigrants flowing over the borders (not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing). i see very few people immigrating to Canada or France or Iraq. Perhaps the greatest hypocracy of the liberals, though, is that they constantly preach tolerance and acceptance (of race, religion, sexual preference, etc), and get extremely angry when they perceive a Republican of making a 'politically incorrect' statement. However, to these same 'tolerant' liberals, all Republicans, especially those who live in the South, are dumb, ignorant, uneducated, backwoods, racist hicks who are incapable of rational thought. Either stop claiming that you are tolerant or stop stereotyping and prejudicing against the GOP. Green Day should be ashamed of themselves to have sunk so low, roughly to the level of the fleas on the rats in the hold of a ship. Their 'fans', if such a group can actually have fans, should be equally ashamed of being associated with such a group. The 1st Amendement protects their actions and they are completely within their rights, but basic human decency, civic virtue, and common respect for authority should have kept Green Day from becoming such a 'hate band'. Clearly, they lack these virtues, and are miserable, disgusting, offensive, repulsive, hypocritical, and probably gay too. I will also take this opportunity to call out any liberlas or Green Day fans who disagree with me to debate with me. We can use this message board as our battleground. I would delight in crushing your feeble skulls in my bare hand.
Immoral Liberal - November 14, 2005 - Report this comment
Fascist American - you are correct, because of the intolerance of the right, taken over by the ultra right-wing extreme evangelical fringe of the party, the stolen election, the bias against gay Americans, the move toward a theorcracy, Cheney, Libby, Rove, King Bush I and King Bush II, etc., we now believe that "all Republicans, especially those who live in the South, are dumb, ignorant, uneducated, backwoods, racist hicks who are incapable of rational thought." Thank you for your understanding - a truly compassionate conservative.
Kryptonite42 - November 28, 2005 - Report this comment
This parody is right on and i cant believe anyone who says else because any one who can decide to bash the president obviously doesnt realize what he does and what the effects of his actions are.
Larebil Larommi - December 02, 2005 - Report this comment
Proudly American - you are correct, because of the insanity of the left, taken over by the ultra-communist extreme Satanic fringe of the party, the failed attempt to steal two elections, the bias against Christians, the Democrats' move toward a worldwide socialist state, Gore, Clark, Dean, Carter and Slick Willie, etc., I now believe that all Democrats, especially those who live in New Engand and the left coast, are moronic, insane, miseducated, backwards, racist slickers who are incapable of rational thought. Congratualations for seeing so clearly! What a coward and a hypocrite Immoral Liberal is.
Gary - December 04, 2005 - Report this comment
I honestly believe that all u americans are in serious denyal. Ur country is seriously is political crisis, bush is corrupt, and i cant honeslty see ur arrogance going anywhere. Green Day are simply singing what they feel and believe. For Hollie, u are seriously misleaded. Ur shallowness over-rides ur interlect. Every song on this CD has meaning, its just that u, are not smart enough to undertsand it. Have a good 1 guys. Keep up that country ay!
viva la spatula guitarist - December 18, 2005 - Report this comment
well, you definatly generated a response their... i agree with the guy from the army, they dont no how good theyve got it..... and people saying that its OK for guys to wear eyeliner shoul go and join the good charlotte fan club!!!!!!!
Babette - January 22, 2006 - Report this comment
I deffo agree with Gary. I understand that people would ant to defend their country ( all u patriotic guys) but please open ur eyes !! i think soldiers are brave , was is probably not an esay thing to go through etc... but hey what had Irak anything to do with 09/11 and althogh this is not place for a debate , there are so many other arguments against Bush ... A french who's not an american hater but a Bush hater
Jimmy_was_a_crackhead - April 03, 2006 - Report this comment
Heh. I haven't looked in here since i submitted it.Hello, I' m one of the creators of this parody. This is my first time reading all the coments for it. Quoting our national anthem: "Land of the free". The constitution has given us rights that we take for granted. Green Day is taking the rights for granted. They have their rich millionaire lives, they try to complain about America. They have never been in politics. They have never been in the military. Our soldiers are going to Iraq mostly by will to fight for the country. To defend our rights so we don't end up speaking a middle eastern language and being oppressed such as all those countries over there were.If you will, take a look at [Proudly American]'s post. [Proudly American], I thank you for typing that out. That is an example of what I'm trying to say. Everyone that lives in America, re-read my parody. Think about it. Then read [Proudly American]'s, [Hollie]'s post and all the ones that agree with me. Those are real american citizens. If you disagree with them still, get out of America. If you don't like America's gift of freedom, go move to the middle-east. You will see what REAL opression is like. Everywhere is dirty, the buildings are crumbling, you'll see where bombs have gone off.Bullet holes...Their children starve. It's such a war torn land, and in my opinion, war is as close to hell that you can get. Now, as for the comments from the English. Please do not comment on America. Reading what you English have wrote, I assume you have never really studied America well. Saying "get a sense of humor" . Take a look back couple hundred did Amerca start. The founder's had left England because they were being opressed. ~ I apologize if that comment above about England offends anyone, but it's the truth. ~ From reading all of you liberalist's comments, it appears people don't like hearing truth. The truth of: AMERICA ROCKS. Bush is a very good leader.I believe God is leading him in all his decisions, therefore, I believe there will be NO wrong choices. It will be a shame when Bush's term ends. I pray that we will get another strong christian leader in his place that will lead us in the right way. ~ On a side note: I like Green Day for the most part.Albums such as Nimrod and Dookie and some of their earlier stuff. What i don't like is their anarchist liberalism Album. ~ Thank you for all of comments and criticism. Enjoy life, enjoy America. May God bless you.~
Eye Eye - April 05, 2006 - Report this comment
.............Land of the Free? - Guantanamo Bay being an example?
Mr. Canada - June 27, 2006 - Report this comment
The truth of: AMERICA ROCKS. Bush is a very good leader.I believe God is leading him in all his decisions, therefore, I believe there will be NO wrong choices. It will be a shame when Bush's term ends. --- .... Wow. You are kidding me. You think he's good? The guy who says 'people can't read newspapers if they can't read' as a political statement? You are high or something. That's obscure. I'm going to and burn a flag or something. excuse me. -.-
mike - March 20, 2008 - Report this comment
This ignorance is why the song was originally written. This is why we are perceived around the world as "idiots."
littleCupCakes - March 20, 2008 - Report this comment
Good parody, but Sir, what do you have against "eyeliner'?? I can't live without it!
billiejoerocks - November 17, 2009 - Report this comment
Hey, jackass, since you obviously loved George Bush back when you wrote this, I want to ask, how did that work out for you? Oh and lay off on the guys with eyeliner, you homophobic american idiot. Green Day wrote that song about people like you.
billiejoerocks - November 17, 2009 - Report this comment
one more thing, do you think Green Day has always lived "rich millionaire lives"? Do you know anything about the band? If they're rich now it's because of the money the made AFTER they wrote American Idiot. So don't go saying how Green Day knows nothing about this country and how good they have it when you obviously know nothing about Green Day or what they went through. For your information, they actually had very rough childhoods. If you're going to insult someone, I suggest you do a little research on them beforhand. So shut the hell up.
I was never here, you never saw this - August 03, 2010 - Report this comment
?????? - December 01, 2010 - Report this comment
* THIS COMMENT SUPPORTS GREEN DAY * Ok Green Day's awesome. Period. To you supporters of the guy who wrote this you say, "well we're better than the middle east cuz they have crumbling buildings and starving people and there are so many bullet holes" well who made the middle east so bad? Who bombed the buildings? Who is making the middle east worst? AMERICA! I live in America and I don't like it here the only thing keeping me here is that i'm under-age so I can't move to France where everything's better. And to the Green Day haters yeah they're rich now but research on them they went through hell growing up that's y they dont like America. P.S. If you call America "her" or "she" then you're stupid.

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