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Song Parodies -> "The Inevidable Return of a Texan Dope"

Original Song Title:

"The Inevidable Return of the Great White Dope"

Original Performer:

Bloodhound Gang

Parody Song Title:

"The Inevidable Return of a Texan Dope"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

A is for "Al Gore".
B is for "Bush".
C is for "Clinton".
D is for "Dope".

Do you like Bill Clinton? He'll be gone in a month.

In the year 2000, and in '92.
That's the year Bush got elected, to be the man to rule,
Not really realizing the prez that was elect in the big US.
The dumb-kind, bona fide, high on cocaine ole' president.
The cretins ain't a genius, republicans like me.
Elected him in office, and got Demo. company.
Soul from Bill, sold to Satan, for a girl and a blowjob.
It's hard to come by, like a straight guy work at a gay job.
Thank campaigners, that thought the nut that realized,
Was so despised, idolized, but that Bush got recognized.
Mount Rushmore it? Don't ignore him, he's got a big zit on his head.
Republians all want him, Democratics want him dead.
It's like an Angel of Death with tax cuts that ain't reality.
We all know he doesn't got brilliance, but insanity.
Hates Democratics, I think he hates Al Gore.
It's the inevidable return , baby, of a Texan dope.

Conclusions, Bush drew proportions you knew,
He doesn't get so jiggy. Balder noggin thanhis poppy? True,
Yes, his name is Georgie, pop, no my pop's name is Jim.
Don't admit to kick it, stick you dumb derelict critic.
Put down for no answers, put up his misquotes.
Don't want his old story? Should have brought a group, though.
Like Al's campaigninghe ain't one give me no credit for having brains.
One thumb on a button of the nation, one thumb that's in pain.
Written on, written off, Carloff, making me a joke.
I don't think that I'm a sell-out but I do "Enjoy Coke!"
I struck oil, but never took it for granted, that's how I planned it. So
campaign it.
Around the U.S.A., fans love Hilary, and Bush'll never understand thee.
When Gore lied, no pride, plan on mass pandemonium.
They may display Bush's brain in a dumb-nut jar at the Smithsonian.
Hates Democratics,I think he hates Al Gore.
It's the inevidable return , baby, of a Texan dope.

Hates Democratics,I think he hates Al Gore.
It's the inevidable return of a Texan dope.
Hates Democratics,I think he hates Al Gore.
It's the inevidable return of a Texan dope.
Hates Democratics,I think he hates Al Gore.
It's the inevidable return of a Texan dope.
Hates Democratics,I think he hates Al Gore.
It's the inevidable return of a Texan dope.

A Texan dope!
A Texan dope!
A Texan dope!
A Texan dope!

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Pacing: 3.0
How Funny: 3.2
Overall Rating: 3.1

Total Votes: 12

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   2
 3   1
 4   0
 5   5

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