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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Lois They originally called the band Courtney Love, but when the real Courtney Love threatened to sue them for using her name, they changed it to Lois after lead singer Lois Maffeo. Nolia
Matching Mole Soft Machine were playing in France, and heard their band announced as 'Machin Moule' ie. in French. I believe that part of the band then reformed as 'Matching Mole' . Az Diggory
Thin Lizzy Karen is right on this one, but just to expand. Eric Bell (original lead guitarist) was a huge fan of John Mayall's Bluesbreakers. On the cover of one of their albums, Eric Clapton is reading the Beano (British comic), so Eric went out and bought a copy of the Beano. A robot called "Tin Lizzie" was in one of the strips so they decided to call themselves after her, but change it to "Thin Lizzy". And yes, most people from Dublin say Tin Lizzy. (On a totally separate note, the Ford Model T was nicknamed the "Tin Lizzie"). Ferg
Jimmy's Chicken Shack Apparently, the band members' favorite food is chicken, and they all lived in Richmond, VA, where they ate at a shack that sold chicken sold by a guy named Jimmy. Johan
JarCreW The drummer and a friend trying to find band names lookin through a dictionary and JAR was come across as sharp piercing noise and CREW is self explanitory and they sounded good together, plus it sounded cooler than "minus the freak". Jackobi
Fluff Tongue Two members of JarCreW were messing with fridge magnets and one of them made the word FLUFF and the other then brought up the word TONGUE. As JarCreW know the members of Fluff Tongue they offered it up and it was accepted. Jackobi
S Club 7 S is the 19th letter of the alphabet and ironically S Club 7's management is '19th Management' Miss Cleo
Rammstein Metal bands always had names like Death Metal or Napalm Death. The band wanted a name like that, but all the good names seemed to been taken. Then, in a town called Ramstein, a plane crashed and many people died. The band just added the second 'm' because that sounded much cooler. In an interview the band always says it's a brand of beer in Germany. : )
Green Day Before the band became famous, Billie Joe had a part time job as a painter and decorator. One day he was painting a room green when he accidently spilt the paint over Mike (bassist). Billie Joe then said "Its just one of those green days!"  Mr T
King Adora The lead singer went to a country called eygpt where he met a "king" who he "adored" and then thought it was a good name for the band. Dave
NOFX The name stands for N.O.Fucking.Xtra Mr T
Jesus Jones On a vacation to Spain, the band decided to change their name. They were Brits (referred to as "Joneses") surrounded by people named Jesus (pronounced "Hey-Zeus"). Brian Kelly
The Flaming Lips It's a reference to "The Clap." Venerial Disease causing itching and redness...On a woman would cause her genitalia to itch and burn thus becoming..."Flaming Lips"  Brian
Jethro Tull As someone said, Irish agriculturalist inventor of the seed drill (19th century though I think?) - story is that they kept changing the band name so they could get re-booked in clubs, and when Chrysalis signed them this was the one they happened to be using at the time... mRsssonic
Nine Days From VH-1: A cockroach can live without its head for nine days. Caffeine Nation
Steppenwolf It was a novel written by Herman Hesse. Tom
Three Six Mafia  It was originally three members. Then they met three more rappers to join the group. Dj Paul (the frontman) said he got inspired by them meeting the others so he said the name formed by having the original members which were 3 and meeting the three others which makes 6. And he thought of the group as a mafia, so Three Six Mafia. Dj_Dark
The Beatles Names the Beatles used: The Black Jacks - They wore black Leather Jackets (Teddy Boy image) The Quarrymen - Named after John's school (Quarry Rock) song, "Quarry Men, Strong Before Our Birth" Johnny and the Moondogs - for 1 audition, they failed and changed the name. The Beatals - Stu Sutcliffe's mimic of Buddy Holly's Crickets. "Beat" for beat music. Long John and the Silver Beetles - Brian cassar (Cass and the Cassanovas) suggested it John didn't like "Long John" because Long John Silver was a "rejected outright". So they used The Silver Beetles The Silver Beats - for 1 gig, they were to use the same name the following week for a gig. The show was cancelled. CHanged name again to The Silver Beatles. The Beatles a shortened form of The Silver Beatles. So, Stuart Sutcliffe and John Lennon are acredited with the name. John said in interviews that he came up with the name in a dream. "I had a vision when I was twelve, and I saw a man on a flaming pie, and he said You are Beatles with an 'a'," and we are. The Beatles
Shattered The lead guitarist and the drummer and the bassist were trying to come up with a name for the band when the guirtarist got mad because the others was refusing everything he was saying, when he slammed his guitar to the ground thus shattering the guitar. Chris Holloway
Coal Chamber  DEZ wanted to name the band coal , MEEGS wanted chamber so the just addded the names together hence the band name COAL CHAMBER SKITTLES
Alien Ant Farm An ant farm is cultivated- you watch how the ants grow and build and work. this band is imagining that we are being cultivated and watched by giant aliens- as in, the world is an alien ant farm. bassist_emma
M2M They picked this name because the had a contest on which fan could come up with the coolest band name. One fan sent M2M and they picked it. Amanda
Beastie Boys Many people confuse this for an acronym or a reference to beastiality. It said in the book that came with The Sounds of Science that they wanted a stupid name that sounded like the Angry Samoans. They also didn't expect the band to last more than a couple of gigs so named it the Beastie Boys.  home depot
Elvis Costello and the Attractions Elvis got his first name from the king of rock, and his last from his Grandmother's maiden name. He dubbed his band of lanky, gangly, and frankly quite unattractive guys jokingly, The Attractions The Big Crouton
KISS "KISS" doesn't mean anything. It was actually Peter Criss, the band's drummer who thought the name up. After having previously been in a band called, "LIPPS" Peter jokingly related a name to that and said, "How about KISS." The other members considered the joke and liked the sound of the name. MetalElf
Metallica Lars Ulrich's mate was thinking of names to call an underground metal magazine "MetallicA" was one of them, Lars liked the sound of it and quickly suggested another name for the magazine and kept "MetallicA" for himself! mark
Blink 182 While Blink 182 was trying to figure out a name Mark was blinking and Tom DeLonge said he counted how many times Mark blinked in 3 minutes. So they called themselvs Blink 182. Sexxxy
The Beatles All members of the band loved The Crickets, and it was Stu (John's best friend) who decided to call them "The Beetles" but after three years of playing and various name changes they ALL decided on "The Beatles" so they could be known as a beat band, although there weren't many at the time and some may have thought they would go nowhere because of it. John Lennon told the magazine "Mersey Beat" that he got it from a dream of a flaming pie, because he had a dark sense of humour and found it funny, as well as many of his can be found in the chapter "Hamburg" on pages 104 and 105 of "Lennon" by Ray Coleman. Nichole
Primus In an interview with Herb, he says that the name changed from Primate because there was another band already called "The Primates". To avoid legal retribution, Les pulled out a dictionary and found a close alternate. Primus means "the primary one". It is also the name of a Russian stove (and a popular stove company in parts of the world), an insurance company, a camping equipment company, an international telecommunications company, a Belgian beer brewed in Haacht, and an Internet Service Provider. Primus means "top of the class" in Dutch and German, and "I feel great" in Swedish. This was taken from the Cheesy Homepage.  EZCHEEZ
Sepultura One of the founders (Max Cavalera) supposedly got the name from the song 'dancing on your grave' from Motörhead. As he didn't really know english he had to translate the songs word-by-word to brasilian portuguese. So he ended up with the translation of the word "grave" = "Sepultura" written on the cover of his schoolbooks. While contemplating a band name during class, "Sepultura" cought his eye..... Sepulman
UB40 It stands for "Unemployment Benefit - 40", a series of British financial benefits for the unemployed during the 80's. Unemployment, poverty and social conditions in general were a major source of inspiration for bands of that time, and UB40 was one of them. Dimitrios Barbatsalos
The Chop Tops Originally it was a term used by 1950's greasers. They would take a 1949 Mercury lower it to the ground and then chop 5 to 7 inches off the roof of the car and then weld it back on to make it look more streamline. Hence the pharse "chop the top". Dan Fields
Linkin Park The lead singer of the band, Chester Bennington, said that they couldn't stick with the band's original name, which was Hybrid Theory, because of legal issues, so they were forced to change it. Chester came up with the name, because there was a Park, near Santa Monica, that he would always drive past, called Lincoln Park. It was filled with homeless people all the time, and when he saw it, he liked it. It didn't have any special meaning, he just thought it would be a good name for the band. He wanted the name of the band to define the music, rather then the music, define the band. Tiffany
Depeche Mode Named after a French fashion magazine "Dépêche Mode" read by Vince Clark and Martin Gore - dépêche is the French for a press dispatch. goudurisk
The Shadows Chosen by original bassist, Jet Harris, because they were always in the shadow of the singer they backed, Cliff Richard. Graham
The Shadows One of the world's greatest guitar instrumental bands of the late 1950's and early 1960's had to change their name from The Drifters for obvious reasons. The new name was suggested by their original bassist, Jet Harris, because they stood in the shadow of the singer they were originally formed to back - Cliff Richard. This information was given to me by Jet Harris and backed up by other ex-band members. Graham C. Marshall
Hot Tuna The band was not originally called "Hot Shit".Guitarist and singer Jorma Kaukonen says the name Hot Tuna comes from a question posed in their song "Keep On Truckin' Mama".The song asks "Now whats thats smell like fish,oh baby,I really would like to know?"The answer is ,of course, "Hot Tuna".Incidentally,Hot Tuna's albums are credited as "Fish O'Baby" productions. T-Bone
Butter Side Down From the Dr. Seuss book The Great Butter Battle Z
Travis From a character in the British Sci-fi TV series Blake's 7 It's a bent paintbrush that paints its own handle
Icehouse Icehouse were going to name themselves 'flowers' However the name had already been taken and the first song on their first album was called 'Icehouse' and that's where the name came from. Lisa
Radiohead It's the name of a Talking Heads song. Before they chose the name "Radiohead" (which was right after they were signed) they were called "On A Friday" because the only time they could practice was on Fridays. Kid A
Raw The band met for lunch at a sushi bar and tricked the very picky bass player into eating a hunk of fish, He hated it enough he quit before they even wrote their first song becouse he was so turned off by the RAW tuna. tiny dancer
Weezer There's been lots of speculation. it's been said that "Weezer" was frontman Rivers Cuomo's nickname as a child, but he himself has only said that they (the band) came up with a few names, and Weezer just stuck. To top it off, Rivers had a sled as a child that he loved so much, he wanted its name to be his last word (a la Citizen Kane). The sled's name? Wepeel. So we may never know... Hokuto
Nickelback A member of the band worked in Starbucks and everybody got a nickel back as change. Crazy T
Fenix TX I think it's something to do with the band's being from Texas. But Phoenix is of course in Arizona. ryanguitarist
The Breeders “Breeder” is a slang used by homossexuals in Dayton, Ohio (where the band is from) to refer to straight people. Kim and Kelly Deal named their first band The Breeders during their teens, and Kim revived the name later when she started a side-project in 1990, while she was still playing in The Pixies. Muzza
Belly Tanya Donelly, the band leader, stated that "I picked the name because it's one of my favorite words... it's 'pretty' and 'ugly' at the same time". Muzza
Sigue Sigue Sputnik The band took its name after a Moscow street gang. Muzza
JJ72 Nobody knows what "JJ72" means except the lead singer Mark Greaney - not even the other members know, and he refuses to tell. craic ho
Aerosmith It has nothing to do w/ the book Arrowsmith, actually the band's drummer, Joey Kramer, thought up in high school because it "sounded cool" and wrote it all over his textbooks. (the band also considered the names The Hookers and Spike Jones) spiffchica
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