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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Pantera Spanish for panther. Syph0n
Oingo Boingo I read once that Oingo Boingo actually is Swahili for 'Dancing While Thinking'. I have yet to personally confirm this as I am not acquainted with anyone fluent in Swahili. Kahlo
Nine Days This is how long it took the band to make their first album. drummerboy
Glass Onion The original band name of Travis, taken from an old Beatles song. Andy Dunlop
10cc The popular explanation is that the average amount of male ejaculation is 9cc, and that of course the band members were greater than the average man. Actually, the REAL story is that producer Jonathan King had a dream where one of his bands had hit #1 on both the album and single charts, and the name of the band was 10cc. plasket
T-Boz The "T" stands for Tionne, her name, and "Boz" stands for boss. "Tionne is being the boss". She was always bossing around people and was called "The Boss". One time she and some friends did some graffiti and they came up with "T-Boz". SaRiZ
Left Eye Left Eye got her nick name from a guy that told her that her left eye was prettier than her right eye. "I'm Left Eye cause the eye is right". SaRiZ
Chilli To keep the name of the group (TLC) after Chrystal got kicked out, they re-named Rozonda to "Chilli". She's saucin' it up. SaRiZ
U.P.O It stands for ultra pure overload Punky
Ned's Atomic Dustbin They were named after an "Atomic Dustbin" belonging to a Goon Show (BBC Radio show) character called Neddy Seagoon (Ned) Played by the late Harry Secombe. Apparently Jonn Penney (lead singer) remebers it from his childhood as his mum was a big fan of the Goon Show. Lozwalker
Sixpence None the Richer It actually comes, from the C. S. Lewis book, "Mere Christianity" - that's according to Leigh Nash evrytime they're asked the question. kalrysta
Papa Roach They stated on MTV's TRL that they chose the name because the lead singer's gandfather's name was Roach (pronounced Ro-ach 2 syllables)and he was his "papa" so to speak. They named thier band in memorial to him. Dan The Man
Just William A band from Perth, Western Australia. they were interveiwed in local radio. they said that thier lead singer has the same birthday as John Lennon, who's favourite books had a character called Just William djurti_jhokson
Bush The real story is that there is a park near Gavin Rossdales house in London called Shepherds Bush. Chris
East 17 It's not after a particular street, but after their postcode (UK equivalent of a ZIP code).  Jenny Turner
Enya A phonetic spelling of her first name, Eithne. Jenny Turner
The KLF An all-purpose set of initials. Originally they were going to change what it stood for on each release, but they only got as far as "Kopyright Liberation Front" then gave up and just stuck to the three letters instead. Jenny Turner
New Order From a newspaper article about the "new order of architecture".  Jenny Turner
Frankie Goes To Hollywood From an old newspaper headline about Frankie Vaughn (not, as many people assume, Frank Sinatra). Jenny Turner
Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine From a friend of the group called Carter who reckoned he was... well, you can fill in the rest, I'm sure. Jenny Turner
Right Said Fred This was indeed the title of a Bernard Cribbins hit. It's also a play on the names of the brothers who front the band, Richard and Fred ("Richard" sounds a bit like "Right Said"... not a lot, I grant you, but just enough). Jenny Turner
Blink The group who had the name originally (and forced the other Blink to add 182 to their name) got it from a Cocteau Twins song. Jenny Turner
Queen I was watching a show and they asked how Queen picked there name. They said they picked because alot of people in countries would understand it. **JEANETTE**
Styx It's from the mythlogical river in the underworld.  **JEANETTE**
Nirvana Kurt eventually came up with this name after going through several other options: Pen Cap Chew, Poo Poo Box, The Incompetent Fools, Pukearrhea, and such.  Emily
ZZ TOP I read once it was was actually to recreate the BB-King name feeling. 2 same letters + word. Fred
Foreigner Actually. Lou Gramm(atico) is from ROCHESTER NY, not New Rochelle.  Dr. Bristol
Chubby Checker A takeoff on the then-popular Fats Domino. Dr. Bristol
Travis That "cabdriver from Hollywood" was actually the Robert DeNiro character from the movie TAXI DRIVER. (that's like calling Godzilla "some lizard from Japan!) Dr. Bristol
Notorious B.I.G His original name was "Biggie Smalls." However, his name had to be changed because of another unknown rapper, who never succeded in the industry,had that name first. Therefore, Puffy had it changed to Notorious BIG.  Funk Doctor
U2 U-2 (Utility 2) is an American plane developed by sailplane enthusiasts at Bell Aircraft (NY) after suggestion by American infantryman in Korea to build a light, efficient plane that would (they hoped) fly above SAM altitude. Prior to completion, concept was commandeered by Clarence "Kelly" Johnson and finished by Lockheed (CA). It's nothing to do with Germans. David Lewis
Green Apple Quick Step 1970s slang for diarrhea David Lewis
Fleetwood Mac According to Mick Fleetwood's autobiography, from label on demo tape container "Fleetwood-MacVie" The lead guitarist slot was experiencing turnover and Lindsay Buckingham/Stevie Nicks hadn't joined yet David Lewis
Savage Garden They got the name from the Anne Rice book 'Interview with a Vampire', not from 'Vampire Lestat', if you've read the book you'd know. S.G's #1 fan
1910 Fruitgum Company As the story goes, the group was named by Frank Jeckell after finding an old bubble gum wrapper while going through an old trunk in the attic. Bobo
Pantera I very much doubt that Pantera picked their name because it was Spanish for Panther. Some older Jewish texts hold that Jesus was not immaculately concieved and was instead the illegitamate son of a Roman soldier named Pantera. I'm pretty sure this is where the band got its name.  Daewoo
Sixpence None the Richer Reported by Leigh Nash : "It's from Mere Christianity ( by C.S. Lewis) and there's a story where a child asks hisfather for a sixpence to buy his father a gift. The father gives the son the money and is happy with the gift that he gets. But he realizes that he’s not any richer, because he gave the child the money in the first place. So C.S. Lewis is comparing that to his belief that God gave us the gift that we have. And that’s to serve in the way that we should. We should be humble about it and know where the gifts came from."  Nicole
The Flaming Lips Named after either, a drug reference, porn movie, or a dream from one of the band members that had a flaming kiss. Eoj
N'SYNC The 'N' is from Lance, whose name is James LanceteN Bass. Lanceten is his middle name, not a nickname.  Suzanne
Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts (TOFOG) When shooting "Virtuosity' Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington had to record over and over some dialogues, cause they always screwed up laughing or caughing or talking bullshit when doing it. So, the tape was so long that Russell got the idea for his band lilica
ABBA It was simply named after the band members.. Benny, Bjorn, Agatha and Aunty Mary. Wink
HIM Stands for His Infernal Majesty. DamRho
Sepultura Sepultura is the portuguese word for "Grave", or a place where people are to be buried. DamRho
U2 It's the emigration form for their homeland.  Mark M. Young
King Adora Being the irriverantly smutty young men they are, King Adora took their name from an advert they saw for a dildo called, yes you guessed it, 'King Adora'.  DarkFiend
Throbbing Gristle A "throbbing gristle" is slang for a man's genitals.  brit
Adeva A simple pun on her musical ambitions: Adeva = a diva. Jenny
John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band I heard John Cafferty in a radio interview describe how they were drinking and getting silly while trying to come up with a name for their band, throwing off names such as "The Doorknobs" and "The Television Sets," and somebody spotted a can of paint labelled "Beaver Brown," and that name got chosen. Tom Radigan
Oasis Noel had a poster promoting an Inspiral Carpets gig at some place with the word 'Oasis' in it. Liam saw it and liked it. Amanda
Grateful Dead After it was discovered there was another band called the Warlocks, Jerry Garcia opened up a dictionary, and picked a random page and pointed to the first word he saw. He happened to point to the Grateful Dead. John
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