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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Limp Bizkit Limp bizkit got their name for there dog named buiscut who had a broken leg and walked with a limp Marcus
K's Choice first they were called the choice, but when they started to be sucessful they had to change their name (another band is named the choice) . they choosed K's choice  mughul
Rush RUSH originally stood for Rogues Under Satan's Hire. This name went along with the famous pentagram on their album cover and the era in which they spawned. Of course over time, their music evolved from heavy metal and apocalpytic themes like "Temples of Syrinx" to much more "real world" type of music.  Evan
T.I.S.M. Stands for "This Is Serious, Mum". LiLRedRidinHood
Led Zeppelin According to "Hammer of the Gods", one of the definitive biographies of Led Zeppelin, Keith Moon is credited with the name of Led Zeppelin, who said they would "go over like a lead zeppelin (paraphrase). And there was no "Pete" Entwhistle in The Who, his first name was John. batai37
Porch Dog The band was looking for a name when one day as I was picking up the dog shit in my yard, I said isn't this ironic me the Porch Dog," thats what they called me at work,because of being the top producer or top dog at my place of business", picking up my Porch Dog's shit!At that moment God spoke to me and said , that's a good name for the band. I ran it pass the guys during the next practice and at first everyone had a puzzled look on thier face but after a few seconds we all look at each other and said thats it. We feel it's not offensive it's kind of PG rated. Our first gig under that name as it is writen accross my keyboards was on a Sunday afternoon and the Bar/Resturant allowed children in and the kids looked at the keyboards and said Mommy we like them.  John P. Labor
Josh Alan Band The band was originally named "Crow Jim," a play on the Jim Crow Laws, and then the accoustic genius Josh Alan Friedman, frontman, simmered the fireworks of such labelesque naming and condensed the name to the Josh Alan Band. Aaron Presley
311 Actually, 311 is from Omaha, Nebraska, not Florida Bob C
T'Pau It was the name of Mister Spock (from Star Trek)'s Mother Luke Elwick
Sum 41 They used to be called Mus 14 and they thought of a great idea to be backwards and so they were called Sum 41  Mandy Noo
Travis Lead character in the movie Paris, Texas. Also where the band Texas got their name from. Their name is NOT after DeNiro's character in the Taxi Driver. queen crimson
The Velvet Underground From a book on s&m culture by Michael Leigh. queen crimson
Björk point of fact cha cha Björk is Icelandic not Swedish dingo
Sunder Word used to let people in the old west and Montana know that by sunrise they would be swinging from a noose. Also supposedly a Cree Indian word meaning "revolution by smashed brains." Dave Johnson
The Strokes The band's "homework" had been to go home everyday and come back the next with a list of names. One day they were sitting around and Julian Casablancas(vocals) just kind of vomited it, the moral of the story is, don't try too hard to come up with a name for your band. Focus on the music instead...rely on spontaneity. Geneva
A.H.Z. I heard that it stand's for "All Heaven Zombies". But as you might know, they recently changed the name to "In His Image". Were in the Bible it says that all men were created in God's image. Silas
Mukala This band is named after there lead singer Dan Mukala Silas
Relient K Named after lead singer Matt Theisen's first car. A Reliant K. The misspelling of Relient (Relient) is because the band wanted there own form of the word. Silas
Petra The bands named after the city in the Bible Petra. Its a city built compleatly out of rock. Silas
Yesterdays Tomorrow the guy who made the band was named matt young...matt young came out of the closet the day b4 the band started(yesterday)...and he sain no 1 will know untill he sed the band should be called yesterays tomorrow because h had gay pride eric
Pink Floyd Four of the original members were fans of blues musicians Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. The band may have done their share of drugs, but smoking loads of pot DOES NOT make everything look pink. Just because your eyes get bloodshot doesn't change the colour of what you are looking at! Having several years of marijuana usage behind me as experience, I can say that not once has the colour of anything ever changed whilst stoned. Perhaps the person who wrote that meant LSD? ThatSusan
MCSG- 80075/ Cuts Unleashed Created the soundtrack for Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast. When they walked into Sega Studios, they saw the first line of the computing code for Sonic Ks290
Alice In Chains i've heard two reasons for this name... 1) a Brady Bunch episode ( i know nothing about the Brady Bunch so I don't know if this is true) or 2) the band was discussing Alice in Wonderland and the conversation turned to a new name... someone suggested Alice IN Chains. who cares
Green Day One day, the members of Green Day, at the time, got so high, that everything looked green. Therefor the name Green Day was accepted into the Punk/Pop style. Russ
Heaven 17 A fictional band mentioned in a scene in a record shop in the film 'A Clockwork Orange' hudson
Björk Actually, Björk is from Iceland, not Sweden. And actually, Björk is not some weird hippy name, it's a pretty common name in Iceland.  Undetected
Suede Name inspired by the Smiths' song "Suedehead". Forced to go by "The London Suede" in the US. Liam Rodgers
Suicide High the band went to a school that had an ungodly amount of suicides in a matter of months earning their school the nick name of suicide high, (the band went to marion high in iowa) jake
Rage Against The Machine zach de la rocha had a need to speak out about what he thought of the governement (the machine) and their decitions... needless to say from the name he didn't think very highly of their decidtions Jake Jacobs
Reign This is the quintesential rock band hailing from Pittsburgh. The name came from an off-handed remark after a gig where the groopies were bowing before them band. Scott Schmitt, the vocalist commented that it felt like they were kings and that they Reigned above all. Needless to say, their rocking style and new name propelled them to the top of their genre. Bosephius
Till Tuesday The Boston club scene in the eighties was dominated by a couple of booking agents. These guys were bombarded with bands requesting an open slot to play. They adopted the policy of only taking calls for bookings on Tuesday afternoons. Very soon every musician in town had to tell their band mates "I won't know when we can get a gig till tuesday." Ken Kozdra
The Sisters of Mercy "Leonard Cohen wrote a song in which - like us - "The Sisters Of Mercy, they are not departed or gone". He should know. Is that why we picked the name? Almost. We did feel that the song would help the dimmest of the dim to interpret the name. There is an ancient order of nuns called The Sisters Of Mercy. Significantly, the name is a popular reference to prostitutes. (Leonard Cohen's song can be heard in the background of a scene from the film 'McCabe And Mrs Miller', in which Julie Christie leads her bedraggled troupe of whores up the muddy hill which is the main street of a shanty town in the wild west.)" - Originally writen by Andrew Eldritch  Mairi
S-Club 7 The 7 is because there are 7 members in the band HOWEVER the S DOES NOT STAND FOR ANYTHING. They were on live telly a few times and have said that the S stands for whatever you want it to as it has no meaning. I clearly remember seeing Tina, the black haired girl, state that the S can stand for whatever you feel like because it has no meaning. This was on SM A
Foo Fighters Feu is the french word for fire. A "Feu" fighter was a WWII air unit that would shoot down supposed UFO's, which appeared as balls of fire.  RexTyler
Theory of a Deadman The ballad "Last Song" was originally called "Theory of a Deadman." The band changed the name of the song, and decided to use it as their name instead. The song was originally called that since it is about a man getting ready to commit suicide who is writing down all his mementos in a letter.  Imagine Whirled Peas
Rick Rock Yes his real name! Solo recording artist from Ontario, Canada. Birth certificate reads Richard Rock. Rick Rock
311 311 is not from Florida; they are from Omaha, Nebraska and are based out of Van Nuys, California. ssNE
Megadeth Dave Mustane had fliped open a newspaper and saw something like "Many die in a megadeath". He liked it so he made it in to his band name , just took out the "A" in death. MetalHed99
Arab Strap Named after a Sex aid. given that about 90% of the grumpy old buggers' songs are about shagging this should come as little surprise Dr Jimatha o' Boogie
Counting Crows they chose it from the old english rhyme about counting crows in the sky - ie one for sorrow, two for joy etc. they then used this rhyme in a song from their first album called "A murder of one". John
Led Zepplin Named after a critical review which stated that the band had gone down like a Lead Balloon. Hence Led Zepplin (Zepplin being a German Airship) Dr Jimatha O' Boogie
Dimmu Borgir The Norwegian term for "dark fortress" buttman
N-E-R-D N-E-R-D stands for No One Ever Really Dies. The guys in the group believe this to be true and that everyone has an energy that can't be destroyed and that everyone has a soul that has to go somewhere and that it's not really their soul that has dies but it is just the body they were in that died. The soul whether to heaven or hell goes somewhere. Yungg T
Tygers of Pan Tang The band are named after a breed of monsters in "Stormbringer" by Michael Moorcock (the final novel in Moorcock's epic "Elric of Melnibone" sequence) Fletch
The Blockheads the guys were working in a factory packing childrens clothes. the conveyor belt would always breakdown and one of the team was sent to replace the block headers that braced the belt. as it was always breaking down the guys got the name the blockheads. when they turned pro the name stuck. suzy quatro
D.O.C. He was a rapper from dallas Texas. When he hooked up with Dr. Dre he took the name D.O.C. Dallas Over Compton. zoemills
NAS his realname is Nasir Jones thus "Nas" was born  zoemills
Fugazi Military term/acronym used during Vietnam which means Fuck Up Got Ambushed Zipped In jhunk
Public Enemy Chuck D picked this name becuse it refers to the black man in the US being "public enemy number 1" to the us government. The band logo is a picture of band member Flava Flav in the crosshairs of a scope. This is used to symbolize this sentiment . to sysbolized this. zoemills
Wilco Wilco is short for 'will comply' Marlon
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