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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Jimmy Eat World Ed and Jimmy, the younger siblings of Tom Linton, guitar and vocals of the band, were fighting. Ed is the younger of the two and took a blunt of the insults, eventually Jimmy just locked him out of their joint bed room. Ed, with the 8 year old brain at work, busted out the crayons and drew a masterpiece depicting the chubbier Jimmy as he shoved the world into his gaping mouth. The bottom of the page read "Jimmy Eat World", this picture was then placed on the fridge like all good pictures and the band got a kick out of it, then decided to name themselves after the caption.  eric miller
Jethro Tull Yes, they were really bad when they first started out, so their manager,Terry Ellis, picked a new name for them each week in order to get re-booked. They went through names such as "Ian Henderson's (not andersons) Bag of Blues", "Candy Colored Rain", and Jethro Tull happened to be the name they used the night that they were actually well recieved. The club invited them back and so the name had to stick. Nicole Kidman
Deicide It means "the murder of a god", from the Latin "deity" meaning "God", and the suffix "cide" meaning killing. heavy metal
Stereophonics They had a few names before stereophonics, including the applejacks and the tragic love company (medleyed together through three of their favourite band names) but stereophonics came about when kelly was in his grandma's house and noticed her record player said "stereophonic" on the back of it, he took aliking to it and thats how they were named  Martin Fraser
Slash'S Snakepit the place where slash recorded his new songs (that axl wouldn't let him release with guns) was called snakepit studios. plus, slash loves snakes. wez
Pantera They are from Pantego Texas, and they use the spanish word for "Panther" as their name. Has NOTHING to do with jesus. Todd E.
Mr. Bungle Mr. Bungle is the name of a character in a childrens educational video about manners and hygiene. You can hear and excerpt from this on their self titled album.  Angelduster
Catatonia Cerys and Mark, the main founders of the band, came across the word Catatonia, believing it to mean a sence of extreme pleasure and sleep, and so used in on gig posters as 'sweet catatonia'. But later they were told that it actually means sort of a coma vegetative state, but it was too late to change it on the posters. Eventually they dropped the 'sweet' and became plain old 'Catatonia' who sadly (sniff sniff) have split! MystikAura
311 311 is the police code for indecent exposure in Florida, where the guys are from. Kitty Ketamine
Rammstein The name Rammstein comes from the Air Show Accident in the 80's in the town of RaMstein where many people died. they added another m to be different. This is held true by many interviews of TILL (the singer)  Mike
REO Speedwagon When Gary Richrath,Terry Lutrell,Alan Gratzer,Neal Doughty,and Gregg Philbin,first put together the rollicking speedwagon,taking the name from the renowned truck and fire engine. Shoe
RTZ During rehearsles,when they wanted to take it from the top or rewind if you will, they would say "return to zero" referring to the tape counter. RTZ Shoe
Palangi Palangi is melanesian for "whiteman" or "stranger".The name came from a book by Paul Theroux "The Happy Isles...:Needless to say people from the South Pacific laugh when they hear the name refering to a band (of white people) from Australia!Palangi have 2 albums out and have been heard on national radio in Australia as well as on various soundtracks. Ray Quinn
The Tragically Hip Actually the name was taken from a book ( I forget the name right now) about these club-goers who needed money to buy cocaine, so they would go around asking people to make donations for the tragically hip. Andrea Howe
Prodigy Nothing about SAT scores here. Liam Howlett ( Prodigy frontman) was a BIG analog synthesiser fan, and one of the earliest keyboards he had was a Moog Prodigy. Hence the name. EroXenos
Belle & Sebastion Belle and Sebastion was this cartoon that used to be on TVontario about a boy and his dog who were homeless and lived in the Pyrenees mountains andie
Chumbawamba This band alladgedly got their name from that experiment where they got a load of chimpanzees on typewriters to see if they'd eventually, by the law of averages, write the complete works of Shakespeare. The best thing they wrote was the word 'Chumbawamba'. Chrissy
Game Theory Game Theory is a subset of theoretical mathematics concerning situatons in which each participant wants to "win" over the others. flurgel
Loud Family Named after the family on the 70s PBS documentary An American Family, the Louds. snork
3 Six Mafia I think its obvious, triple six= 666. DJ Paul was into that Devil Sh*t Rap back in the day when he started the group. Don't let those politically correct mainstreem definitions of the name confuse you.... Snubillionaire
213 This long beach rap group with Warren G, Snoop Dogg, and Nate Dogg, was named after their area code- 213 GK
702 This all girl band is or I guess you could say from Las Vegas, NV. The area code for Vegas is this and they took their name after it. Rebel With a Cause
Duran Duran Yes, the name comes from Barbarella, but it's a closer link than that. In Birmingham, England, where the band come from one of the early clubs where everyone went was called Barbarella's and Duran Duran's members three founding members played gigs there in 1978. They took their name from the film's villain. Jan
Rammstein Rammstein added an 'm' from the US military base named Ramstein in what was then West Germany. A horrible plane crash occured at an airshow there August 28, 1988 where three planes collided, one crashing into the audience, killing 70 people including the three pilots involved in the collide. The only reason i know this is because i was there. What is eary is that my family and i would've been in the front had we not been held up in traffic. Ramstein dedicated or wrote a song about the crash.  Michelle
Sugarcult The lead singer of Sugarcult used to live in an apartment across from a group of lesbians that called themselves Sugarcult, and decided to pick it as his band's name. Joe
Pinhead Gunpowder Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day's other band, Pinhead Gunpowder, got its name from a type of highly caffinated green tea. Joe
Eels E (vocals, guitar, keyboards) had two solo albums before forming Eels. He thought of the band as a continuation of his solo stuff and wanted their records together in stores. So they picked a name that started with "e." Sadly, they forgot about all those Eagles and Earth Wind and Fire records in between. Paul
Chumbawumba Chumbawumba is an exclamation of one of the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi, whilst falling over having seen C3PO... TKD_Tigger
Thin Lizzy Influenced by the "Tin Lizzy" of comicbook fame, and as a self-mock of their Irish birthplace, they chose "Thin Lizzy" in order to force their hard-as-nails Irish fanbase to pronouce the "th" so that other rockers would not think they were fans of a comicboook character and thence be all the more memorable... TKD_Tigger
Human League The first band to go #1 on the US charts with syntho-pap took its name from a video game set of characters. Khalil
Elton John Elton John´s real name is Reginald Kenneth Dwight. As far as I know, he picked Elton and John because they were former members of his first band and he liked those guys.  Claudia
The Jesus Lizard In an interview, David You said the band named themselves after a lizard that can run across water very fast without sinking, aka, the Jesus lizard. IIRC, he said Touch & Go Records founder Corey Rusk had one, which inspired them to take the name. kurt
Gang of Four Named themselves after a group of four extreme Chinese communists who were active in the 1960s (although a friend of a band member once remarked "It's a good name, because there are four of you"). kurt
Murder Inc. Name picked for a one-off band (one single, one album and one remix album total their recorded output) consisting of former members of Killing Joke, PiL, Ministry, and various other bands, from the term coined by the press to describe Jewish mobsters who formed a union to off their rivals.  kurt
Zeni Geva Guitarist/vocalist K.K. Null says that the name of his Japanese band is taken from a "very serious, dark cartoon" from his homeland. Loosely translated, he says the name means "Money Violence" (have also seen it translated as "Blood Money"). kurt
Korn I'm getting this form the unofficial KoRn biography. It's says that "Once the fivesome got together, they needed a new name. Allegedly Korn just came to Jonathan, and the others, once he spat it out, said, 'F*ck yeah!' Jonathan created the ominous, childlike Korn logo with just one attempt, writting the band's name with his left hand with a crayon." Nothing about 2 guys sucking each other or a piece of corn. Just something that popped into Jonathan's head. heads_kittie
Stone Sour I got it off their web page. Stone Sour is a kind of drink (1 part whiskey and a splash of orange juice and sour mix). Deus
Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Despite Joeseppi Verdi imaginative mind, CS&N, followed by CSN&Y were named after the band members last names.  Daviddd
Men Without Hats. They're originally from Montreal, Canada; where the local subway system is constantly under renovation. Everytime they would go into a station, they would see a cordoned-off area with a sign showing a man's head wearing a hard hat. (meaning that hard hats were required to enter the roped-off area) They sort-of injected the "do your own thing" spirit of the 1980's into this quirk of their daily lives, by naming themselves "Men Without Hats". (In fact, the symbol of their band is identical to the "hard hat" symbol on the Montreal subway ----except it has a red diagonal slash through it). --If you don't believe me, check out their site at Edward A. Vazquez
Godsmack it's British slang. to be "godsmacked" is to be dumbstruck or flabbergasted. source Saz Squatch
Small Faces a "face" is another name for a person who is influencial in the world of mod fasion. jett
Swing Out Sister I heard a radio interview once with one of the band members who said the band couldn't agree on a name the liked, so they agreed on a name they didn't like. Ken
One Dollar Short For a christmas party the band went to a grocery store and they were going to have a really big party and get lots of food and drink. One of the band members said oh my god we are one dollar short when they went to pay for all the goods! So they made that their band name... weird.. Judith
Steely Dan Steely Dan was a steam powered dildo that came in editions I and II in Naked Lunch Tim Hall
N'SYNC From the last letter of every band members name JustiN ChriS JoeY LansteN JC Lance was going to be replaced by JasoN, the second N, but then Justin held up for him, and he becamse LANSTEN for the band.  Pinzz
System of a Down When they came together as a band, the very cute guitarist, Daron Malakian wrote a poem about the armenian genocide (the band is armenian) and it was originally 'victems of a down' but shavo, the bass player, didn't like the term 'victem' so the guitarist came up with system! He came up with system because the turkish people systematically massacred 1.5 million armenians! Their name is totally orginal! I love them all oh yeah, it was a coencidence that they were all armenian- a happy accident.  Clarissa
Sting The person who said yellow and black striped shirts is correct. Anyone who thinks differently is obviously not old enough to remember when The Police first came out. That was the most often asked question of all for them. I must have read it a hundred times. Sting wore a black and yellow striped shirt all the time, made him look like a bee. Archives, people, archives. (SouprGrrl)
The Flying Stomach Monkeys One member used a dictionary to put different words on dice, then rolled the dice. Later, the parenthetical correction of "not to be confused with the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz" was added to the name. Poseidon
Kyuss the band was actually called sons of kyuss at first, and on their 1000-pressed first lp. the name change came when thier first bass player left and they recruited nick oliveri, aka rex everything, and cut the rest of the 'wretch' lp(which used two cuts from the debut & some re-recorded tracks as well as newer material). some folks have wondered when the monster first appeared in d&d, and it was 1981(greg is correct that it was in the fiend folio). elroy
Queens Of The Stone Age thank chris goss of the masters of reality for this one. just something he used to describe kyuss as, and when josh decided not to use gamma ray because of that guy in helloween or whatever, he went with qotsa. got this info off rockline, maybe october 2002. elroy
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