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Performer Description Sumbitted By
Eurythmics the word was defined in the american heritage dictionary as "the choreographic art of interpreting musical composition by a rhythmical,free-style graceful movement of the body in respose to the rhythm of the music." gloria
Bob Dylan Robert Zimmerman took his new last name not from Dylan Thomas, as is often assumed, but from an uncle "Dillion." (People Almanac 2000) gloria
Jimmy Eat world One of the bands bro's named it 'James Consumes the universe' but they decided that was to long. Scince Jimmy is short for James and consume means 2 eat and world iz just shorter. It ended up being Jimmy Eat World!! Natalya
System of a Down While The System was still called "Soil" (there is now another rock band called Soil), Daron wrote a poem called "Victims of a Down", which they thought was very cool, so they changed their name. Then they changed it to "System of a Down". Soon after, they changed their bassist and drummer to Shavo and John. Tony
The Black Crowes The band started out as Mr. Crowe's Garden after a story in a children's story book, when they signed to the record company, they wanted to change their name. Since they were known as the Crowes they decided to keep that part and just add Black in front.  joe
Borstal Break Out Keith in my family gave me tips how to be in a band and what to call my band like '' Borstal Break out '' something like that. But he said that there was already a band called '' Borstal Break out '' but us 2 think there called there band '' Borstal Break out '' because ones they committed a crime and then they were arrested and taken to a Borstal for the time being then a little while after they broke out and ran away from the prison from the police and the courts far away from then then a while later they called there band '' Borstal Break out '' because what happened to them that time it happened.  Gary
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young Despite popular think, this was not the original last names of any of the members (they later changed them). A "Crosby" is a British marijuana joint...the name derives from Bing Crosby who smoked plenty. "Stills" is the device to make moonshine, "Nash" was for American poet Ogden Nash (1902-1971); an author especially of humorous and prosodically unorthodox verse. And finally "Young" which describes the types of women the band members liked. NOTE: By the time the band formed they had already changed their names from David (Crosby) Hedberg, Steven (Stills) Kweller, Grady "Graham Nash" Fasnacht, and Neil "young" Gooch. Joeseppi Verdi
Motorpsycho The name is taken from the film by Russ Myers. rafn
A-ha Originally called Aha, but as there was a Norwegian jazz-group called Aha! (already with an album out), they changed it to a-ha (with small letters). The original Aha! thought about sueing them, but changed their mind when a-ha sold more records in one week than they did in a year. JR
Anthrax  Comes from back when the boys were sittin' in school in their Biology class. They were contemplationg band names and like Anthrax cause nobody really knew what it was back then. Taylor
Wheatus Brendan and his brother Pete (Pete's the drummer in wheatus) were called "whedon" when they were little. So they transformed it in to Wheatus! Brendan
Infinite Lives this pukka jubbely name came from the east end of london originally, where the boys were hand-reared as chicks by a japenese arcade grandmaster called Pistachio Lives. And he was Infinite.  Jamie Oliver
Guster The band originally named themselves 'gus,' which was short for asparagus. When another artist already had that name, one of their friends suggested adding the 'ter' at the end. Todd
Green Day The band was originally called Sweet Children , with a different drummer. Then one night, the lead singer, Billie Joe got high and wrote a song called Green Day about marijuana, featured on their first album, 39/Smooth . He decided that the band name Sweet Children had to go. So, he renamed the band Green Day after the song. The Daywalker
Sisqo Sisqo's black, but his hair is sort of fine textured, so back in Baltimore, the kids would call him "Sisqo" - sort of mocking a name that some of the Puerto Rican kids had in the neighborhood. Courtney
Dru Hill Named after Druid Hill Park in Baltimore Courtney
SR71 The band is named after the Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" spyplane. Gordon
Silverchair Silverchair is a bastardisation of two memorable 45s (Nirvana's caustic "Sliver" and You Am I's calamitous "berlin Chair"). They orriginally wanted to be called "Sliverchair", but their name got misspelled and they became known as "Silverchair". Pug
Moloko your definition is wrong. moloko means MILK in russian language.  adam Pett
Clock Dva if you dont have about Clock DVA name, then here it is = DVA means TWO in russian language,same in serbian langauge,and some other slavic langauages. so, the bands name means TWO O CLOCK adam pett
Oasis Oasis was formally called rain. One day Liam strolled past a shop window called? Thats right Oasis!!!! The band name then got changed to Oasis and went from strength to strength! Oggy
The Pretenders Chrissie Hynde was just about to sign their first record deal, and realised they hadn't thought of a name. she looked around and they had some old records lying aobut, one of which was The Platters' "The Great Pretender". So she took it from that. Gino
BellBivDivoe Michael Bell. Ronnie Bivens and Michael Divoe. Celeste
Greenday When the band members went to their high school principal to announce to him that they were dropping out, he acpeted, only saying that it would be a "Green day in hell" if they ever made it in this world. shorty3000
Eric's Trip Named after a Sonic Youth song. Kris Gallimore
Thomas Dolby Thomas Robertson as a kid was obsessed with sound technology, and was given the nickname Dolby (Dolby Digital) newwavefan
2pac 2pac's actual name was Lesane Parish Crooks (bet hardly any of you know that), but after an Indian revolution, his mum changed his name to Tupac Armaru (shining serpeant) Shakur (of God). So his name was Tupac, which can be shortened to 2pac. zammo
Judas Priest Interestingly enough, the band did not get this name from the popular curse. They were unnamed at first when they wrote "Blame It On Midnight." The song was about a man of long ago named Judas Priest. That's how they got the name. Aaerni
Dropkick Murphys Even if the sobering up station was indeed called that, it was named after a somewhat obscure professional wrestler. Travis Esquibel
New Found Glory Well, Jordan and one of the other guys in the band worked together and they were thinking about what to name thier band, and "New Found Glory" popped into Jordan's head for some odd reason. Roxy_4
Ramms+ien Rammstein's name is related to the ill-faterd airshow at a US airbase. They added an extra m to give the name a degree of separation and to elude to Rammenstein, 'ramming stone.' Spencer Gatsby
Def Leppard Joe Elliott, who provides the lead vocals, wanted to be a part of a band called DEAF LEOPARD when he was at school. He and several mates of his (Rick Savage and Steve Clark[dec.]) joined ATOMIC MASS in 1977. In order to make Joe's wish come true, the band changed its name to DEAF LEOPARD. Some time later, they changed the original spelling to DEF LEPPARD.  deflepparekool
Marmerlade were is the group marmerlade. and what were there names dave lyme
Ghoti Hook actually, it was George Bernard Shaw who came up with the follies of the English language by saying fish should be spelled ghoti marty
Charli Baltimore Her real name is Tiffany Lane, but her stage name is that of the Geena Davis character in the movie, "The Long Kiss Goodnight". Charli Baltimore is the code name for a spy who lives a double life as a working mom. This is fitting because Charli is a young mother of 2 girls. Alexis
Spice Girls they wanted to call themselves something hot, exotic and unpedictable and geri thought of spice. however...after trying out spice they needed a word to appear younger and more inocent (maketing for younger audience) girls was suggested and the rest is history!! n*kokky
Godsmack yes, one band member- who played guitar did have a cold sore on his lip, and yes Solly (the lead singer) DID make fun of it. and the next day Solly DID have a cold sore as well..... where all other entries fail is on what the guitarist replied... which was "God smacked you down for dissing me." the end Chuck
Spice Girls The Spice girl one that is supposedly from Geri's book is bogus, she says the spice names were given to them by a mag and verifys the story that they were named after a song called Sugar and Spice with girls being added to the name Spice becasue there was a band called Spice already GInger
Little Feat Frank Zappa's drummer Jimmy Carl Black remarked about the size of Lowell George's feet ( "e" changed to an "a" in possible reference to The Beatles).  Eric
Trooper When they were touring under the name "Applejack", they were often very busy, and worked hard. A friend told them they were real troopers, and the rest is canadian rock history. Will Dyess
Foo Fighters "Foo fighters" was what UFOs were called by British and American fighter pilots during World War II. Dave Grohl, being a sci-fi nut, heard of this and the rest is history. logan
The Chi-lites Best known for "Oh, Girl" from 1971, this group was originally named the Hilites(mispelling intended) until they were told there was another Chicago band using that name. Fast thinking produced the Chi-Lites, the "Chi" in homage to their home town. Khalil
Eiffel 65 Eiffel 65, decided, for some reason that they were going to a have a computer randomly find a word. This word would become their band name. The random word came out to be "eiffel." The 65 on the end of their name came about because the original publishers screwed up and accidentally put some form of the informational numbers for the band. So, "Eiffel 65" became there name. Mystic Pence
Blink 182 They were originally just Blink, mainly because Tom likes short verbs. But when an Irish techno band who also were named 'Blink' threatened to sue them they decided to add '182', which has no significance, it's just a number they picked randomly. Jess
311 311 is the police code for public indecency rockstar
Beta Band because lead singer stephen mason worked in a video production house in the duplication department and made beta video copies all day. he thought this would be his life's calling, but one night while working late he fell asleep waiting for a dub to finish and his cigarette caught a stack of beta tapes on fire. One of the volunteer firemen who came to his rescue was drummer robin jones. he was looking for a lead singer and they formed a band. When looking for a name they decided on the alpha band but thought that sounded pretentious so they randomly chose another greek letter--beta. thus the beta band. rgreene
MxPx They used to be called M.P. which meant Magnified Plaid. But when Yuri was putting up a poster one day, he was trying to write periods, but they came out as Xs.....hence: MxPx. The name stuck. Little tidbit: they're song PxPx is the same thing: the P's are for: Pokinacha Punks...and the Xs are for periods. It's all makes sense!!! Jeremy punk rawk
Naked Raygun After turning down "Dog At Large," and "When The Screaming Stops," the last option was "Naked Raygun." No rhyme or reason, just good heads prevailing. Both of the other ideas were recycled into song titles. Roderick
Pantera Jesus often is associated with a Talmudic character called Joshua ben-Pantera -- literally, "Joshua, son of Pantera." ("Jesus" is a Greek transliteration of Joshua.) A story told by the second-century satirist Celsus and preserved in Origen's "Contra Celsus" alleges that Jesus was the illegitimate son of a Roman soldier named Pantera. Interestingly, history does record one Tiberias Julius Abdes Pantera, a Sidonian archer who served in Palestine about the time of Jesus' birth and buried in Bingerbruck, Germany. While this story does little to clear up any theological debates, it may shed some light on the name of the popular metal band.  Josh Shuart
ZZ Top It's a word play on two of the more popular brands of rolling papers, Zig-Zag and Top... john m
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